Know the Difference between Re-Marketing and Re-Targeting

Often in the user-developed world, we hear the terms, re-marketing, and re-targeting. But, what exactly are re-marketing and re-targeting? How are they different? And why are they necessary? The following blog will help us understand the difference between re-marketing and re-targeting. It will also tell us the benefits of each.

What exactly is Re-Marketing and Re-Targeting?

Let us begin with re-targeting. Re-targeting is the strategy of redirecting the audience that made action on your website. Re-targeting is like giving a second chance to your users by converting them to customers. It works by placing a cookie in the audience’s browser. A cookie is a piece of data sent from the user’s computer to the user’s browser. It helps optimize the results of users by keeping a memory of their browsing history. These cookies then notify the re-marketing platform of the pages the user visited. It then informs the re-marketing platforms to redirect articulate ads. Hence, re-marketing is used to promote specific products, services, and offers. It makes personalized ads and sends them to the users in the re-marketing list.

There are types of Re-Targeting based on different users

  1. Standard – Displays personalized ads to people who recently visited the page.
  2. Dynamic – This style displays ads based on the products and services that the user searched for.
  3. Mobile Apps – Ads are shown on mobile apps and websites.
  4. Search Engine Ads – This is a mix of dynamic and standard type. They include not only the ones who visited the site, they link the people searching for their products/services.
  5. Video – This style includes targeting people who have interacted with videos or YouTube.  

Following are the benefits of Re-Targeting

  1. Personalization – Re-marketing allows you to target audiences on the basis of one, action made and two times spent by the user. These will help you target a specific audience.
  2. Increased Reach – Re-marketing widens the scope of your reach. With the help of cookies it provides you with a list. You can then focus on that list and provide users with personalized ads.
  3. Marketing Goals – It helps meet your marketing goals by providing you with a list.

Now let us understand what re-marketing is. Re-marketing is pursuing your users by sending them emails. Re-marketing is a strategy that reminds the users of their abandoned shopping carts. These emails must then persuade them to finish their purchase. Thereby, turning the users to customers.

Difference between Re-Marketing and Re-Targeting

There is a major difference between re-marketing and re-targeting. But, there is an important point to note. Re-targeting comes under the umbrella of re-marketing. Hence, you might not find much of the difference between the two. In some places you might also see re-targeting as a synonym of re-marketing. This may lead to confusion. But you must know that re-targeting is approaching through cookies. Whereas, re-marketing is approaching not only through cookies but also through emails and messages. You may have seen that many online shopping apps often send you mail asking you to finish the purchase. That is re-marketing.