Best Guerrilla Marketing Tips for Your Small Business

Guerrilla Marketing is an unconventional and unrealistic way to advertise products. It is most useful for small businesses as the advertisement budget is meager and is focused on attracting more customers. It is focused on attracting customers with lower expenses. Guerrilla Marketing involves minimum cost and can generate more audiences providing a good return on investment. In this article, we will discuss the best Guerrilla marketing tips for your small business.

Guerrilla Marketing Tips for Your Small Business

Best Guerrilla Marketing tips include:

1. Ask Customers to Leave Reviews Outright

Asking the customer to leave a review outright is a technique that engages customers more. Their testimony about the product then becomes a judgement, and they provide better stars in the review system. Their comments also help in the increase of the customer base. The potential customer reads the review and decides to buy the same product, too. 

2. Host a Live Event on Facebook

Hosting a live event on Facebook has become a popular Guerrilla marketing technique these days. You can also get on Facebook live and unveil your product and services. Additionally, you can hold a questionnaire on Facebook live where a user can discuss the how’s and whys of your product and services. This allows a small entrepreneur to interact more with existing customers and gain popularity amongst them.

3. Tie Your Guerrilla Marketing to a Bigger Campaign

You must always lay your emphasis to engage your audience and get in conversations with the companies representatives. You may also obtain this by converting the exposure that the Guerrilla market provides into engaging traffic online. 

4. Hack Your Next Conference

This is one of the most excellent Guerrilla marketing tips which is comprised of research and surprises. Before attending the business conference, do some research on the speakers and their niche. Start tagging them through hash-tags before and after the conference.

5. Find Customers Who Share Similar Content

This is one of the best methods of applying Guerrilla marketing techniques in your business. In this method, search the content that is coming on the first page when searched on the internet and identify the keywords that are mostly looked at. You can make the most use of those keywords in your articles and also share them directly with the number of users. It will make you more popular, and people will reach out to you and ask for your services.

6. Host a (Social) Launch Party

Hosting a small launch party for the low products can bring out a big gain at length. Always try to hold a launch party of the product and invite local VIPs through invitation cards. Also, spread the news of the launch party of products through various social media platforms. This also makes people more curious about the product.

7. Start a ‘Make it Green’ Moment

‘Making it Green’ symbolizes greenery and nature. Moreover, in this Guerrilla marketing technique, the customers are emotionally attached to the vendors. The companies talking about the safe environment and better atmospheric conditions are treated more respectfully, and customers bind with them emotionally. 

8. Answer the Questions of Your customers as an Expert

Many users have various difficulties or questions regarding the product and services you offer. You should answer their queries. Take your time and research, and answer the question and create a positive impression of the company over the minds of the customers. Many companies have designed the FAQ mechanism to educate the customers and also answer their frequent queries.


These have been the eight most essential and exciting Guerrilla Marketing tips for your business. There are many other techniques too, but the above mentioned eight techniques have been selected from the bin.