What are the Best Google Re-targeting Tricks

If you are wondering how to reconnect with B2B website visitors, you are thinking in the right direction. B2B customers are notorious for taking their time, and it may well take several visits to your site. Your successful Google Ads search campaign may have hooked them into coming back again to generate sales. Google retargeting, also known as Google re-marketing is one of the best ways to make sure this happens. Retargeting ads are the perfect way to keep your brand going and gives you the ability to concentrate on your advertising spending.

What are the Best Google Re-targeting Tricks?

Are You Re-targeting the Right Audience?

For a Google retargeting campaign, set up your re-marketing in order to reach visitors who originally arrived through previous paid advertising. These prospects will display your re-marketing and this is your opportunity to the right audience segment. The great thing about Google re-marketing, it also allows you to create segments based on population data. From this, you can extract valuable information, such as running a spa event at your boutique hotel.

Are You Tagging the Right Pages?

Once you have the right audience, your Google re-marketing campaign takes the customer straight to the page to bring about a conversion. You should also know which of your website pages, if lead generation is your aim, makes sense to tag these pages. If you are more focused on increasing sales, choose to tag your pages with the best selling history. By making sure you will be directing your Google re-targeting, you are likely to see a good ROI.

Tailor Your Retargeting Copy

Just as in your original Google Ads campaign, keywords will play a major part in your re-marketing campaign. You already have some information, so look for keywords that have resulted in low conversion. The converted audience is going to be your best bet, which is one of the big advantages of Google re-targeting. Take a broader approach to keyword selection to gain a decent click-through-rate.

Is Your Privacy Policy Up to the Job?

If you engage in retargeting activities, don’t forget to take your data protection seriously. Additionally, include updated information about this in your privacy policy. It is important to be really clear about how you intend to use visitor information. Google’s guidelines on privacy policies for re-marketing are very specific, and you need to share communication opt-out options.

Protect Your Brand‘s Good Name

If your efforts to set up a remarkable re-targeting campaign doesn’t fit with your brand, or is offensive to your target audience, you can prevent this. Also you should select to avoid sensitive content such as crime and death. You might also want to consider avoiding placement on pages such as forums, as these will contain low-quality content. Another area of exclusion for Google re-marketing will come from tracking user behavior on potential conversions.

Get Outstanding Results from Your Google Re-targeting Campaign

One of the very best things about Google retargeting tricks is you can operate it on a number of levels. There are plenty of specialist tactics that your competitors may already be using, such as the following:

  • Making full use of the Google Display Network
  • Tapping the power of frequency capping
  • Segmenting audiences by their previous actions
  • Making the best use of Google custom intent audiences
  • Customizing messages to specific audiences
  • Maximizing impact through campaign testing