How to Create the Best Visual Content
Great visuals are only as good as the social strategy that is supporting them. Thus, your visual content may follow the best practices, but without having any purpose, narrative, timing, and other elements of strategic nature, it may be doing your brand a disservice. Mentioned below are some of the best tips when it comes how to create good visual content. Go ahead and take a look at them right away!
Always Start With Audience Research
Before you get started with creating content, you must do a little bit of research on your audience’s interests and think about what type of visual content they would like to see. You can easily start doing this by creating a mood board. On the mood board add content, color palettes, and other visuals that will help shape your direction. Also, while doing your research, make sure you are considering how you should adapt your visual strategy for each social media channel.
Have the Creative Basics at Your Fingertips
If you do not know what goes into making a great visual then you must start studying this concept at once. Knowing all the basics of creating good visual content such as using natural night and complementary colors is something that you need to have at your fingertips.
Make Sure You are Taking Advantage of Free Tools and Resources
Under normal circumstances, it is always best to hire a photographer or graphic designer to create visual content for your brand. However, if your budget happens to be running tight, then you can easily make do with countless resources that are readily available online.
Make Sure You Have a Good Understanding of Image Copyright
Sourcing images is not always easy—especially when it comes to understanding the intricacies of copyright laws. It is important that you understand these intricacies because there can be serious consequences for misuse. Make sure you are reading all the fine print when using stock photos, templates, and illustrations. If anything seems unclear then inquire with the image owner or site for more detail. The same goes for licensing and contracting as well.
Consider the Required Image Specifications of The Platform in Which the Images are Displayed
It is well known among social media marketers that one must not share visuals on social media if using the wrong size. Images with the wrong aspect ratio or low resolutions can appear to be stretched, cropped, and crunched out of proportion. All of this happens to reflect very poorly on your brand. Every platform has its own specifications and you should always tailor your visual content accordingly. You must always aim for the highest image quality. This includes pixels and resolution. Also, never ignore aspect ratios because some platforms happen to auto-crop image previews based on these ratios. Thus, if yours is set differently then you can end up with an unfortunate crop, or have important information left out.
This brings us to the end of our discussion on how to create good visual content. Now, do let us know some of your thoughts and opinions on the topic.