Top 10 Twitter Marketing Tips for Beginners you Need to Know

Top 10 Twitter Marketing Tips

If you are just starting out with a fresh Twitter account, it’s never a bad idea to learn new tips for success. That’s why a list of favorite Twitter tips is helpful; from avoiding embarrassing Twitter fails, to figuring out what to tweet.

Tweet Early and Tweet Often

This tip is particularly important if you don’t have any baselines as far as how often and the best times to tweet. While there are some general guidelines, you won’t know the best time to reach your audience until you experiment. You need to be aware that your followers don’t check Twitter at the same time. Some people might check in the morning and some check in the evening. Therefore, tweet throughout the day, instead of trying to get all your tweets during business hours.

Take Notice When You are Over-saturating Your Followers

While you’re sending out all those tweets, avoid going overboard. The last thing you want is for your audience to get annoyed and unfollow you to quiet the noise. In the top 10 best twitter marketing tips, a good way to monitor if you are tweeting too much, is to track your engagement. If you increase your tweets and notice that your engagement drops, it could be a sign that you’re annoying your followers.

Engage More in Your Broadcasts

Somewhere along the line, brands appear to have forgotten that Twitter is not just a content distribution tool. The feeds on Twitter are filled with brands strictly tweeting links back to their website. Ask questions, complete Twitter polls, or hop in on public conversations. Sure, some larger brands can get away with broadcasting Tweets 24×7, but if your aim is to build your audience, go for something beyond spreading brand messaging. You have to engage.

Jump onto Relevant Trending Topics

Speaking of engaging, a simple way to get started is to take a look at the trending topics on Twitter, which have an accompanying hashtag. Then, join in on the conversations when it’s relevant. For instance, there are plenty of brands tweets to support causes like Women’s History Month. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and participate in conversations about trending topics. Remember, the topic doesn’t have to be directly related to your services. It can be relevant to what your brand stands for or something that you can create content around.

Take Advantage of 280 Characters

Twitter made the decision to expand its character limit from 140 to 280 in 2017. While people may have their opinions, the reality is it lets you fit more in each tweet. You can take your tweets beyond a couple of sentences and get creative like MoonPie.

Be a Part of Twitter Community

An important point to make is that Twitter isn’t just a social network brand you can use to connect with your audience. A part of that is being a part of the community. Spend time getting to know the Twitter ecosystem. One of the best ways to participate in the community is to get involved in some relevant Twitter chats.

Be an Industry Resource

This top 10 best Twitter marketing tip probably isn’t too far off from content curation, which has been a staple for many brands. Social content strategy, since the early days, is the reason we’re adding this tip to the list about what you choose to curate. Instead of automatically tweeting every new post, take the time to hand curate the content you share.

Use Data to Make Decisions

Take a few minutes to look at your Twitter analytics and analyze what’s working and what isn’t. Based on your data, notice that your Tweets are sending automatic DMs to new followers, spamming them with links. Including a video can get 50% more engagement, which should be taken as a sign that you should start implementing more videos.

Create Graphic Templates to Reuse

Graphic templates are easy to set up with the help of great design tools like Canvas or Adobe Spark. Pick one template and stick with it. Create a template specifically for promoting the event. If you have a company blog, go through each post and pick out three quotes that you think will grab someone’s attention. The best Twitter marketing tip is to make them use the template to create the matching three quote graphics. Save these graphics and begin scheduling your post several times in the next few months.

Automate When It Makes Sense

There’s a good and bad side to social media automation which can turn your Twitter account into a complete chatbot. The best twitter marketing tip to using Twitter automation is to be selective about what you automate.

Some good examples of Twitter automation would be:

 Schedule tweets in advance, instead of manually tweeting everything
 Using a social media management tool that contains a certain hashtag
 Using Twitter chatbots to streamline customer service workflow

Some bad examples of Twitter automation are:

 Sending automatic DM’s to new followers spamming them with links
 Relying solely on automated tweets to handle customer complaint
As a general rule, try to automate time-consuming tasks that don’t necessarily require too much manual work.