Top 5 Marketing Books Of All Time

The Top 5 Marketing Books of All Time

If you are in the business of marketing, the most you will ever gain is some basic knowledge, but maybe not the cutting edge knowledge you need. However, online marketing is a highly evolving field with new techniques, tactics, and tools that are emerging every day. The only way to stay on top is to stay tuned to the top 5 marketing books of all time. Although thousands of marketing books are published, most of the books are destined to collect dust.

Positioning” by Al Ries and Jack Trout

“Positioning” is another classical top 5 book of all time in the marketing field, in order to deal with the problems of communicating to a media-blitzed public. However, this book describes a prospective customer’s mind which is one that reflects the strengths and weaknesses of its competitors. By reading “Positioning”, you will learn to capture the biggest market shares and become a household name.

You will also learn how to:

  • Use leading ad agency techniques
  • Choose the best name for your product
  • Determine when and why less is more
  • Analyze recent trends that affect your positioning.

Psychology Influence of Persuasion” by Robert B. Caldini

“Influence” is included in the list of the 5 marketing books of all time. This book explains the psychology of why people say “yes”. Dr. Robert Caldini is the seminal expert in the rapidly expanding field of persuasion, and he explains how to apply these understandings. His thirty-five years of research, along with a three-year program of study; has resulted in this highly acclaimed book. First, you will learn how to become a skilled persuader, and how to defend yourself against them. Perfect for all occupations, the principles of “Influence” will act as a driving force for your success.

Permission Marketing” by Seth Godin

If you have been around long, you know that Seth Godin is one of the brightest gurus in online marketing. Whether it is a TV commercial or a telemarketing phone call, traditional advertising is based on the hope of snaring away from whatever we are doing. Seth Godin calls this Interruption Marketing, by interrupting their most coveted commodity; time. “Permission Marketing”, one of the top 5 marketing books of all time, will help in developing relationships and improving the chances of making a sale.

Selling the Invisible” by Harry Beckwith

Twenty-five years of business experience with professionals, Harry Beckwith delivers wisdom in one of the top 5 marketing books of all time. It comes with often surprising examples, from Federal Express, Citicorp, to an ingenious baby-sitter. Filled with wonderful insights, you will learn how to eliminate your client’s fear, and how to make your invisible qualities visible.

Conversion Optimization” by Khalid Saleh and Ayat Shukairy

This book addresses helping businesses attract online customers, landing visitors, and finalizing the sale. You will learn several techniques for blending successful sales with the particular needs of people that you want to attract. The book offers visitors to make a buying decision without data overload or tedious navigation. You will learn how to use marketing principles, usability, and analytics on your site.