What Is The Best Alternatives To Google Ads

Google Ads is the most used search engine globally. This search engine dominates the paid advertisement industry. Even though you have to create a landing page for your ads, Google widens the audience scope. Just like Facebook ads, Google charges for your ads. But Google has faced brand safety controversy, an since it is most used, it faces safety issues. Being popular, it charges you with hefty amounts for your advertisement. So, if your business cannot afford Google ads, here are the best alternatives for you. These platforms reach out to a wide audience just like Google.

Best Alternatives to Google Ads


Quora is a social site where people come to seek answers. It is also one of the trusted sites. You can take this opportunity to influence your audience. Quora is also a great platform for advertising since a lot of people visit this site. By advertising on Quora, you can target people or content. A different strategy creates a way for new and unique ideas.


Amazon is one of the largest online shopping sites. It nurtures a number of brands, both local and international. If you run an e-business, then sites like Amazon is like hitting the bull’s eye. You can not only advertise your services and products there, but also sell them. Additionally, Amazon provides various options for advertisement. Custom ads, display ads, video ads, or Amazon DSP are all supported by Amazon. This is a great alternative since your business can not only become B2B but also B2C. Amazon also allows a direct conversation between you and your customer.


Quantcast is your little online secret agent. It paths down the browser activity by noting the searched keywords and pages. By doing this, it connects your product directly to the customers who need it. By using this site, you can increase your audience efficiency, since it will direct the right audience to your page.

Ad Roll

Just like Quantcast, Ad Roll helps you target your audience. It offers geo-targeting along with customer targeting. One advantage that Ad Roll offers is that it allows you to manage multiple campaigns under one domain. It also lets you integrate with channels you want to broadcast your ads on.

Bing Ad

Bing Ad owns 19.7% of the US market share. What better platform can you use than this? Bing offers advantages over Google ads and has better audience performance. It is cheaper, provides better targeting options, and is transparent.

These were a few alternatives to Google Ads. You can choose from various other platforms other than these 5.