How To Avoid Burnout While Working From Home

Avoid Burnout While Working From Home

Burnout can occur at a workplace or even if you are working from home. This situation occurs when you are under tremendous work stress over a long period of time. Burnout may affect both your mental health as well as your physical health. It has become a frequent issue in today’s competitive world in general. Considering the global lockdown, almost everyone is working from home, which has increased the risk of burnout drastically. Here are some tips that will help you avoid burnout while working from home.

Do’s & Dont’s

Setting Boundaries Always Helps

You must set specific work hours and not work beyond those hours. Try to finish your work in that given set time, otherwise keep it for the next day. You can start your day in the morning and let your colleagues know about the set time. You can tell them that you will not be responding to any emails after your shift hours. It is also necessary that your family respects your work boundaries and does not interrupt you while you are working and trying to get things done.

Create Your LifeStyle

It is very important to make a schedule and make sure you follow it. Following a set routine, every day will make your productivity increase without any stress. Try doing some exercise and eating a healthy yet heavy breakfast before you start working.


Taking breaks can help you with stress relief. Take a break sometimes and do something you like. You can sit down and listen to your favorite music, read a novel you like, or just simply shut your eyes and meditate or take a power nap. During this break also remember to eat your lunch on time.


It is extremely important to practice self-care. When someone talks about self-care, the first idea you might think of is a spa massage. But it isn’t limited to that. Make sure you are eating on time and regularly, getting enough sleep as your body is required to get, taking a nice warm shower (or a cold shower if you live in a tropical country) to calm you down and get dressed. You can do things you always wanted to but never had the time. Follow a hobby, read a novel, or watch a movie. The most important thing of all is to make sure you get up and move physically every hour and drink a lot of water.

Keep Your Personal Life Personal

Do not carry your laptop every time you move around your house. If you are spending time with your kids, make sure you dedicate that time to your kids and your family rather than the laptop. Do not carry your phones and laptops to the kitchen with you. Similarly, make sure you have your own workspace so you are not disturbed while working and you can work efficiently.

A healthy and creative mind is extremely important for better performance at work. If you stress about your work the entire time, you will experience burnout.