Best Financial Tips for College Students during this Pandemic

Best Financial Tips for College students

Now that you’re in college, you have more freedom to decide where and how to spend money. With Mom and Dad many miles away, financial tips for college students to save money during this pandemic to help keep you as you embark upon your college career. But along with that freedom the responsibility to spend money wisely comes. 

1. Take Control

Unfortunately, it’s way too easy to neglect your finances when there are so many adjustments to make regarding college life. A college is an excellent place for you to decide to take charge of your personal money.  Even if your parents continue to pay some of your bills you should work out a plan for shifting your other expenses to your control. You need to determine the amount of money flowing your way from all sources, including parents, financial aid and scholarships, also from your own employment. Put all of the categories and numbers into a spreadsheet, and try to balance everything. 

2. Create a budget

Now you have to commit to sticking to your budget to save money during this pandemic. Straying from your financial blueprint risks pushing you into debt by creating a hole you can’t dig out of.  A good financial tip for college students to save money during this pandemic, open a savings bank account and make deposits. 

3. Get organized

Determine the best and most convenient way to fund your accounts, both on and off-campus. Make sure that you have a dependable method that allows you access to your money at all times.

4.Keep track

Create a routine for yourself that includes a regular accounting of your finances to save money during this pandemic. It’s not that you have to know every detail, but having a good idea of when you can hit the ATM for a few spare bucks. 

5. Keep credit wisely

If you want to save money during this pandemic get a credit card, this may be a good time to start understanding the benefits and responsibilities of credit. That means that any credit balance you run-up has to be repaid. If you don’t, you will accrue interest charges and late fees, including the principal. The costs can mount quickly; pay it off in full every month. This way, you can benefit when you go looking for a new car or your first house.

6. Get a Job

The best financial tip for college students to save money during this pandemic is to earn from working part-time. The work-study programs in colleges allow you to create a work schedule around your schooling. Off the campus look for a restaurant or retail job with part-time hours. 

7. Don’t buy new book

There is not a need to purchase a new textbook, these days, you may also be able to order e-books. You can save money during this pandemic for an e-reader and pocket the difference between the virtual and actual text.  Also, remember that if you’re moving into a dorm room, you can get a used refrigerator or coffee pot from someone on campus. The point is, this is the time of life to ratchet down your sophisticated tastes and go for the simple and inexpensive.

8. Protect yourself

In financial tips for college students to save money, during this pandemic are particular when it comes to your money. Be skeptical of classmates, friends or others who want to borrow money or be careful about identity theft. Keep a stash of cash in a safe place for emergencies. 

9. Look for ways to spend less

Take advantage of any student discounts from local businesses to save money during this pandemic. In financial tips for college student’s check online for student deals on travel, food, books, clothing, entertainment, etc.  Clip coupons before a shopping trip, and buy generic whenever possible if you have a meal plan. There’s nothing wrong with having fun, good money habits you begin to practice in college will serve you well