Best Tips to Repurpose Content in Marketing

It is often challenging to repurpose your content, and there are different strategies for different types of content. Keeping this in mind, choose the best suitable one for your business. Repurposing is a great time saver for the content creators, and all they need to do is add additional and advanced elements to the older posts. Here are some key tips and hacks that a content creator can use to repurpose content.

Tips to Repurpose Content in Marketing

Content to Podcasts

Podcasts are better than reading the content. Since reading is time consuming, convert your content to podcasts since they are entertaining and can be accessed from anywhere and at anytime. Create podcasts for content as well, and let the customers choose what they like. Podcast marketing is an effective way through which you can bring your confidence back, and it is also challenging and a good way to start something fresh and new.

Create a Presentation

A presentation can work as a synopsis for your content. Illustrate your presentation with interesting statistics and quotes which will keep the customers engaged for a longer duration of time. A presentation is easy to read and interpret.

Create Info-graphics

Info-graphics are more advanced than a presentation. They consist of the entire content in a summary. If there is a lot of data that needs to be incorporated, it is better to build info-graphics since they have the capability to highlight your major points.

Modify Old Posts

Old posts can become outdated quickly. If they contain figures, then they need changes frequently. Also, modify your old content including any writing or technicalities that might change over time. An interested audience will come back to your website or blog if content has been edited or rewritten.

Social Media

From the marketing standpoint, use social media to generate an audience. Social media is a platform where companies can seek and reach an entire audience, as most people use these platforms daily. Moreover, repost your content and promote your brand which will help you to reach the target audience. Use proper hashtags since it is a major tool in social media marketing.


If you have physical content, convert it into eBooks. eBooks are widely popular and used in this generation. It is quite impossible to take physical books everywhere. Hence, an eBook minimizes the effort, and readers can access the content from an electronic library.


Besides marketing, it is also important to create a relationship with customers. Host webinars or use social media live features and interact with the audience. This will also keep them engaged in conversation. Try to interact with customers individually and seek feedback.

Closing Thoughts

Content creators find repurposing as a time-saving element. Apart from less effort, it also effectively promotes the content. SEO and other business tools will make it more convenient for the customers and the creators as well. If you are adding value to your original content, this is a successful step for future revenue.