The Best Seven tricks to Hack a Competitor’s Traffic

Every one dollar spent on Google AdWords will bring back $2. When done with perfection, it can bring a large sum of money. These ads help to bring awareness to the brand. It is a market with a lot of competition. Moreover, proper implementation of ads with precise knowledge is required to excel in the field. Here we will tell the seven tricks to hack competitor’s traffic.

Best Seven Tricks to Hack Competitor’s Traffic :

1. Know about your competitors

The first and the essential step to get the traffic on your website is to get the information about who are your competitors. Also, investigate the competitors. The next step is to gain knowledge about the competitor’s strategy. The Google keyword planner tool makes this process simple with its easy interface and usability.

2. Get inside information about the competitor’s strategy

Social networking will never provide the internal knowledge of statistics. So, many accessible implementations are present that will help in this process. Spyfu is recommended to get statistical information about the competitor’s business. Also, select the ‘URL’ of the competitor’s website and put it in the Spyfu. Spyfu will provide all the information about the competitor’s site.

3. Know what keywords they are using

This process will help you to know about the popular keywords being used in your field. Based on the knowledge of these keywords, you can make an appropriate decision to use them or not. Also, try to look for keyword phrases. Using Spyfu, you can check the keyword phrases and know about the keyword history of your competitors.

4. Get your brand keywords

This strategy will bring all of the competitor’s users to your website directly. It will increase your SEO ranking as well. More and more traffic would be diverted to your website. It is the best trick to hack the competitor’s traffic.

5. Seek into your competitor’s Facebook page

A more straightforward way is to visit the competitor’s Facebook page and get to know about the users from there. However, this is an awkward way.

A rather genuine way is to use the branded keyword on Facebook. Click on the interest tab and type those keywords. Using this technique, you will also come to know about other people who are using these keywords.

6. Use the competitor’s YouTube

This is the most exciting strategy to hack the competitor’s traffic to your website. You can make use of a competitor’s video to promote your website or brand. Turn the ad format on your profile to video discovery mode. Search for the competitor’s video there. Also, try to place your advertisement on the competitor’s video. This is an excellent way to divert a lot of traffic from there to your website or video directly.

7. Make the use of Gmail advertisement services

It is possible to make the use of Gmail for the promotion of websites and brands. There are many features on Gmail that will help you in hacking the competitor’s traffic.

Making use of branded keywords while creating your advertisements will bring your ads to the same place as your competitors. People will always see your ads with the competitor’s ads on Gmail.