Best Social Media Strategy to Grow your Business in 2020

Social media is evolving at a high pace from the last few years. Many firms have utilized strategies and done very well in 2019. In 2020, some aspects are going to change. This is the reason we have come up with the best social media strategies for the year 2020. You can use the below-mentioned strategies to grow your business in 2020.

Know About 2020 Social Media Strategies :

Importance of video marketing

The various types of content are coming into the market. The most important and engaging content type is a video. Different people find that video content is easy to consume rather than reading.

The amount of video consumption has increased a lot in the past few years. According to the latest survey, 78% of people have watched videos online in the year 2019. This year, add video content in your social media strategy list.  The video contents are somehow timesaving and easy to understand.

Do regular giveaways to keep your audience engaged

You must have seen posts regarding giveaways across all social media platforms. Moreover, you may have participated in one of those. It is one of the most popular social media strategies with a higher success ratio.

As an example, if you get some products for reviews, you can Giveaway those products. For that, you can ask for followers or subscribe to your audience. The giveaways create a win/win situation. If the audience is high in volume, you can create a game or something exciting and announce a winner.

Create a popular social media community

Creating a social media handle is not a big deal, but making your social media handle reputable is the challenging part. Building a social media community will help you with product engagements, brand awareness, and loyalty.

When you are creating a community, you are creating a space or place for people to talk about your product and service. Create a place where people can share their experiences and ideas.

Influence marketing is the key

The influencer marketing industry is going to be $15 billion in the year 2020, as per the estimated report. It is the best method to reach a wide range of audiences.

In this process, buyers’ persona helps you a lot. You can create a buyer’s persona and present your product in front of your targeted audience. The buyer’s persona contains details of your ideal customer, such as age, working field, and area of interest, etc.

Micro-influencers could be very useful for your brand promotion. The reach might be low, but the conversion ratio is high in micro-influencer marketing.

Use some elements to post regularly

You have to keep posting regularly to engage your audience because when you keep posting, it allows your audience to explore more of your business. Many tools can be used to post regularly. You can create a social media calendar where you need just to post the content before the actual time. You can take help from social media tools such as Hubspot, buffer, and social chief.


These are some strategies that you should know before going online in 2020. Therefore, it is essential to monitor the plan and make modifications according to that.