Top 5 Social Listening Tools you Need to Know

What is social listening and why is it important? Why do we need special tools for social listening? This blog will give you a better understanding of the importance of social listening tools. Let us first begin by understanding what is social listening.

Tracking the mentions, conversations, and reviews about your brand on social media is social listening. It also helps you get insights about your consumers’ expectations. Social listening gives you the opportunities to improve. This way you can stand up to the expectations of your clients and improve your sales. Social listening is like overhearing a conversation about your brand from the customers. It is a form of feedback.

Why is social listening important? Social listening is important because it engages you with your customers. Customer engagement is necessary. It helps you at times of crisis. Social listening helps you track your audience’s reactions and henceforth you can identify a crisis. Social listening helps you understand what works for your consumers and what does not. It helps you reach out to new people and influencers. Thereby, leading to new sales leads for your brand. It is done to gain benefits and improvise customer services.

Top 5 Social Listening Tools:


Agorapulse is a tool that provides you with scheduling, monitoring, social listening, and analyzing. This tool helps you engage with your consumers. It is a social listening tool that tracks the mentions of your brand. Along with this, it also lets you search for keywords and URLs. This tool collects the mentions in your inbox. It allows you to track your comments on various social media platforms like Facebook too.


Zoho Social is a tool for growing businesses. This is one of those tools that give you real-time updates. It keeps you updated about your brand’s interaction with the consumers. This feature helps you know what is being liked by your customers and what is not.   


Did you know that HubSpot along with scheduling helps with social listening? HubSpot is a tool that lets you operate many platforms from one. It not only helps you compare, analyze, and improve but also tracks your brand mentions. This tool also helps you to comment and respond, and it gives you the mentions and conversations that take place on social media about your brand. This way you not only get feedback, but you also engage with your customers.   


Brand 24 monitors blogs, mentions, and forums of your brand. This is a tool for people who want to track their social media monitoring. It tracks and analyzes your interactions, social media reach, etc. This tool also helps you reply and engage with your audience. Along with this, it also collects your brand mentions and helps you analyze your consumers. 


If you are a small or medium-sized business, Sum All is for you. This tool helps you schedule posts. You can link your social media accounts with Sum All and get brief emails and daily updates on last week’s performance compared to the current week. This helps you make necessary changes and work efficiently.

These were the top 5 social listening tools. While using these tools you must keep one thing in mind- listen to what is required. Listen, analyze, and check those things that are important. Take your feedback carefully. Social listening is all about bettering your customer service and it is also about keeping a check on your competitors. Stay updated with the keywords and try using them in your posts.