Ultimate Guide on How to Complete Google Ad Audits

Google ad audits are an essential tool, which is important for the smooth working of your account. It is a beneficial tool to keep the ads updated. Efficiently working ads provide higher revenue and better user experience. Google Ads Audit delivers a better experience for your ad adjustment. With a minimum amount of money and in a short time, it provides a significant profit to the users.

Using the Google Ad Audits undoubtedly saves a lot of money with better management. It helps in regular check-ups of your ad accounts. Easy interface makes it easy to perform tasks faster.

Let us see how to complete Google Ad Audits:

1. Figure the reason for using Google Ads

If you don’t know exactly why you are using the Google Ad service, you need to figure out the answer to that question. It will help to find out what you should seek in the Google Ad Audits. For instance, take a situation where you are targeting an audience in the USA, and if you know the location, you’ll be able to complete the audit faster.

2. Selection of budget and locations

Suppose your average monthly budget is $4,000 and you divide that with the days in a month. This will give you your daily budget approximation. The selection of location is truly the essential step. Select the area where you have planned to target the audience.

3. Evaluate the campaign

Having a perfect and proper campaign structure matter a lot. A campaign that is easy to understand brings more viewers to the page and website. A separate campaign for different services and products will bring more traffic.

4. The amount of ad campaign

This provides a better organization of the ad campaigns. Having a proper sequencing of ad groups will provide a better user experience. Single ad groups are not sufficient for ad campaigns.

5. Give proper instructions to the user after visiting the site

Make it clear to the user what he/she should do after visiting the website, and they should be clear about the steps that need to be followed after engaging with the ads. Better engagement will be experienced on the site using this technique.

6. Keep check of the ad and the page directed through it

The same thing should be written on the website or the redirected page that is printed on the ad. An example of this is when the ad is about a particular mobile model, and when the user clicks the ad, they get redirected to a page where they are shown different mobile models. The ad should direct the user to the same things as offered on the ad.

7. Try using broad keywords

Broad keywords are more productive than standard keywords and they bring a natural explanation to the ads and give a better understanding to the viewers.


These techniques will provide better productivity in your work. They will be useful in engaging more population. Following these will bring about change.