Top 7 Tactics for Launching a Product on Social Media


Product designing and creating are still easy. But product launching is the most crucial and important step in any business. This is when you will be showing the world what you have created. A product can take your sales to the sky or bring them down the line. Product launching is just like a movie production. The better the promotion, the more the viewers. Hence, product launching must be done carefully. It tells your audience about your product and why they must buy it. In this article, we will discuss the tactics for launching a product on social media.

Tactics for Launching a Product on Social Media

Social media has taken our lives by storm. It has become necessary for businesses to be actively present on these platforms. It helps you to stay in direct touch with your audience. Social media platforms nurture millions of people, influencers, and businesses. When this happens the competition increases. With increasing competition, it becomes necessary for you to know tricks and tactics. Especially when you are launching a product on social media, you must be smart. Your launch strategy must be strong and different from your competitors. For this, you must know the following 7 tactics. Keep these in mind before launching your product on social media.


After you have completed the research for your product, now is the time to research your audience. Research your audience well. Know what they like to see and what they don’t. Moreover, this will help you with designing your campaigns that target the audience. You will know how to serve your product to your consumers through social media. What content to write? What colors to add? How long must be the video or the post? What will keep them hooked? When is the right time to show the world? Audience research will help you with these types of questions.

Curate a Tag

Hashtags are a trend. They help your product become easily searchable. Curate a new, funky, and easy hashtag for your product. Use it during campaigns and product launch. Ask your followers to use the hashtag when they post about your product. These hashtags bring all the posts in one place. Thereby making it easier to search. Your hashtags must be easy to understand and related to your product.

Offer Sneak Peeks

When launching a product, try using the sneak peek idea. Give your audience a sneak peek of the product. Make them curious. Give them a chance to guess the product. This technique mostly works only if done in the right way. Too much suspense and too little suspense might lose the essence. The right amount of suspense will be of great use.

Influence the Influencer

Social media has turned people into influencers. Many of them have risen to fame due to social media. Join hands with them. Influence them to promote your product. They have thousands of followers. The promotion of your product through them will help you gain new followers.


Engagement is a must. Interacting with your consumers helps improve your brand image. Also, create contests, quizzes, or campaigns that will help get engagement. Reply to them in the comment section. Revert to their messages and queries. Keep this engagement even more active during any product launch.


If you want to increase the sales of your product then put up exciting offers. Create some early bird discounts. Offer a sale or a discount on the product. These offers mostly attract more audiences. If your products are premium, offer a sale period. People love using premium products.


Be consistent on all your social media platforms. Be consistent with your posts. Keep a content calendar if required. Make sure the right posts are going out at the right time.