Best Practices For Healthcare Social Media Marketing 2020

Practices to Improve Your Healthcare Social Media Marketing in 2020

With increasing amounts of people activating accounts on social media by the day, the healthcare marketing strategies being used are bound to evolve. Social media in today’s time is not just for connecting with family and friends. The paradigm has shifted. Healthcare organizations are now using it as well, to engage with patients, to create spaces for doctors to engage among themselves, and even to recruit employees! Studies suggest that 57% of patients decide to get treatment based on an organization’s social media presence. Another report suggests that 60% of doctors agree that social media improves the quality of care that they provide to the patients. In regards to these numbers, social media marketing for a Healthcare Organization becomes crucial.

Healthcare Social Media Marketing Strategies    

Doctors are jumping onto the digital bandwagon at a rapid pace. And why wouldn’t they? Social media increases patient satisfaction and the brand’s reputation immensely. It connects doctors and medical experts with patients, making it easier to communicate with them and build a good relationship. Good social media marketing strategies can benefit healthcare organizations as well as the patients. Here are some strategies that can be used for effective welfare:

Use Different Platforms

Despite the audience being more engaged on platforms like YouTube and Instagram, most healthcare organizations choose to be more active on Facebook and Twitter. This needs to change. Posting more frequently on various channels can help in growing the reach of the organizations. Use Instagram, YouTube, and even Pinterest to your benefit by posting content more frequently.

Post Helpful and Educational Information

People all over the world resort to searching for diagnoses to their aches and illnesses on the internet. However, posting educational content online to help these patients can be beneficial. Create blogs, videos, and posts to help spread awareness while trying to be as informative as possible.

Encourage Patients to Market for You

Encourage your patients to write online reviews for your organization. This will help improve your brand reputation immensely. Encourage them to retweet and share your content on various social media platforms as well. A survey is another great way to build your social proof. Ask patients to fill them out online after engaging with you.

Keep Content Light-hearted and Fun

Medical Information does not need to be bleak and gloomy all the time. Even though there needs to be a certain seriousness to the information, creating a light-hearted tone is always the best. Build Healthcare campaigns that are fun to participate in and remember to spread awareness in the process.


While trying to be as informative as possible, make sure that you are complying with the rules and regulations put into place by HIPPA. Keeping that in mind, social media can be of immense benefit when it comes to building relations with patients. Use it as a tool to spread information and awareness by posting as much as you can!