Know-How to use De-Indexing to Generate More Traffic

How to Use De-Indexing to Generate More Traffic:

Most of the websites are concerned about getting their pages indexed by Google. In fact, a vast majority of them try to prevent being de-indexed by search engines. Many are tempted to index as many pages as possible from your website. This strategy is effective very often, too. However, de-indexing to generate more traffic by keeping some of the pages from your website de-indexed can also help you enhance your search engine traffic

This strategy is helpful to keep unnecessary pages from your website showing up in the search results. De-indexing irrelevant pages help the users to get access to the most important links to your webpage and also keeps the search results de-cluttered.

Crawling and Indexing

It is important to understand the terms of crawling and indexing in Search Engine Optimization. Crawling is done by crawlers, also known as spiders. These crawlers follow your links and then validate HTML codes and hyperlinks.

Web Scrapping

The process of extraction of data from websites by crawlers is known as a web scrapping. Google’s crawlers or bots, while visiting a website, also follow other linked pages on that website. This information is used by the bots to provide updated information to the users who search about the webpage. This information that is collected by crawlers is also used for the generation of ranking algorithms by the search engine.

Indexing is the process of adding a web page to the list of all searchable web pages that are compiled and made available by a search engine. Google will be able to crawl a web page only when a page is indexed. Google does not have the capability to index a web page once you have de-indexed it.

DeIndexing for Generating More Traffic

It is beneficial to have important pages of your websites indexed because it provides the right exposure in the search results page. This leads to the generation of more traffic to your website, which translates to an increase in brand exposure and ultimately to the generation of more sales.

However, there are many situations in which you want to exclude a page from the search results. One of the most obvious reasons for this is the prevention of the indexing of duplicate content. For example, there might be a different version of the same page. A regular version, and another version of the web page which is printer-friendly. In this situation, it is unnecessary for the printer-friendly version to show up in the search results. This is where de-indexing comes in.

Using Meta Tags

For de-indexing pages from search rankings, meta tags can be used. A no-index tag can be implemented to keep pages from being displayed in the Search Engine Results Page. Depending on the goals for de-indexing your page, no index tag and no following tags can be used separately or in combination.


Indexing too many pages from your site can adversely affect the SERP rankings. De-indexing is an effective strategy to optimize your search engine result rankings.