Everything about The Social Advertising on Facebook


If you want to advertise your brand, product, or company, social media is the best place to do it. If we talk about users using Facebook, it has an extensive database that can help you grow. But digital marketers don’t know how they can use Facebook for social media advertising. Facebook can be the best option if you are looking for cheaper and affordable advertising methods. Currently, there are over 3 million businesses who are running their campaigns on Facebook successfully. Let’s understand why Facebook is the best option for you:

  • You can target a vast audience: Facebook currently has over 1.13 billion daily active users on its platform. 70-80% of them use Facebook on their mobiles or cell phones.
  • You can seek proper attention: Facebook is a large platform, and an average user spends 50 minutes per day on Facebook and its child app.
  • Targeting specific audiences is easy: If you want to target and focus on a specific audience, then Facebook is the best platform for it. You can advertise specific users by age, gender, interests, location, behavior, demographics, and much more.

These are some benefits of using Facebook for social advertising. Now, we will explain social media advertising on Facebook.

Social Media Advertising on Facebook

Facebook has a separate section if you want to advertise and run ad campaigns. If you are looking for a good ad campaign, you need to know about the different types of ads that Facebook offers.

Image Ads

Image ads are fundamental ads that are run on Facebook. Creating an eye-catching image is essential and doing this can be done in just a few clicks. You can also use pre-saved images from your directory to post on Facebook which can save you a lot of time.

Video Ads

Just like image ads, Facebook also gives an option to advertise via video ads. You can run videos in Newsfeed, stories, or they can also run as in-stream ads in Facebook videos. So, you don’t need specific videos for any advertising purpose. You can also use pre-saved videos in the form of a Gif as well, grabbing a lot of attention from the visitor.

Video Poll Ads

If you want to be a little impressive, then you can use the Facebook-poll ads format. This type of ad is prevalent these days. This type of advertisement can interact with your audience by asking a poll among users. Users love to interact with these ads, and these ads get a lot of clicks compared to normal ones. If you want to increase brand awareness, try using a video poll ad.

Dynamic Ads

Dynamic ads are excellent if you have a product or service you want to sell or showcase to your audience. These types of ads also allow users to target products to the customers who are already interested in your products or who have visited your website for buying your product. This type of ad could be advantageous if your customer left the product in their shopping cart of your website.

Playable Ads

Playable ads are very interactive ads just like Video poll ads but have some dissimilarities. These ads showcase a video game that can interact with the user. Users can interact with your content, and your ad can push them to buy your product. This ad is mostly used by game creators.