What Marketers Should Know about TikTok Marketing

TikTok is a newly launched social media platform, and it is one of the most downloaded apps. It has more than 120 million users that spend more than 30 minutes online every day. And its user count is rapidly expanding, which is why it should not come as a surprise that TikTok is being used for marketing as well.

What Marketers Should Know About TikTok Marketing

Promotion and Branding

There are a number of ways to promote your brand using Tiktok. One of these is the use of in-feed native advertising. These include the options to add website links and order now buttons on the advertisement itself. This will help the users to land on the page directly. These advertisements can usually be skipped, and they have multiple options for designing the overall advertisement. The usage of the advertisements can be traced as well, which can be done by click-through rates, impressions, total views, video viewing time, and the engagements received.

Hashtag Challenge

Another method of TikTok marketing for business is by using hashtag challenge advertisements. In this, the user gets to see a specific banner that will take the user to the page of instructions. This page includes the rules of the featuring challenge. The banner can be put up on the discover page. The usage is can be measured in this method as well, which is done by banner views, clicks, number of user-generated content, etc. This marketing technique targets specific consumers which means that the chances of conversations are very high, which in turn leads to more probable conversations.

Massive Reach

There is a large number of advantages that accompany marketing with TikTok. One of them is the massive reach that TikTok provides, because of the high number of users of that app. Also, it provides increased engagement. It should be noted here that short videos capture more attention, and it is recommended to upload short videos. Tiktok marketing manages to capture attention as visual advertising is more enticing for the audiences. Additionally, TikTok is a newly launched platform and is yet to establish itself. It provides an uncluttered environment for the marketing of brands. It should be noted that the majority of the users of TikTok are youngsters. About 80% of the users of TikTok are below the age of 35 years, which is what makes TikTok an ideal platform if your target audience compromises the younger population.

Targeted Audience

A lot of big brands have been using TikTok for marketing. It is up to you to decide if Tiktok is a suitable social media platform for your brand. If your brand includes marketing about lifestyle, food, clothing, restaurants, cafes, apps, etc., Tiktok may be the app for you, because TikTok marketing is focused more on a young population. The audience can also be targeted based on their interests. If you want to target a specific gender or an age group, TikTok provides you with that feature as well. It is also possible to target people from a certain city or state or even people with specific interests. This feature of TikTok is a great advantage if you know what your target audience is.