Everything about How Twitter Algorithm Works in 2020

Every social media platform is continuously switching to algorithm defined feeds. These are used to maximize engagement with the users. Twitter is one of the top applications to be used and liked by every user, and the kind of algorithm Twitter has, is unavoidable. The Twitter algorithm intelligently analyzes the user’s preferences and makes it relevant for them to use. This is an advantageous method to attract new users. It can also impact a brand’s reach on social media if marketers know the social media algorithm.

Twitter has provided various choices to its users which are trending in 2020:

  • Top Tweets or Latest Tweets
  • In case you missed it
  • Remaining tweets in reverse chronological order

As you know, if you are following more than a thousand Twitter accounts, it becomes impossible to display every single tweet on your feed. These above algorithms have been applied to show content relevant to the users. It can also be segregated by the types of factors like types of topics the user is engaged in.

Before diving into further details, it is vital to acknowledge the following:

  • The Twitter algorithm is continually transforming according to the trends.
  • The Twitter timeline is a combination of both algorithm content and real-time content.
  • A Twitter algorithm can be turned off according to the user’s preferences.

How the Twitter Algorithm Works in 2020

Let’s now understand how the Twitter algorithm works in 2020:

1. Top Tweets or Latest Tweets

This is the first section that appears on the timeline. There’s nothing distinctive, and it seems the same as the standard chronological flow of the usual schedule. However, the significant difference that can be noticed is the timestamp. The timestamps vary according to the algorithm. So, the tweets that are more relevant for use or the ones with a high score appear at the top of your feed. It is also possible to get tweets from the accounts you don’t follow, but that are liked by the users you interact with.

Working on this algorithm

  • It calculates the tweets you are most likely to be interested in
  • Collects all the relevant tweets
  • It shows them on the top of the feed

2. In Case you Missed It

This Twitter algorithm is crucial for brands. This section shows you older tweets from accounts that you may follow. This doesn’t always show up, as it contains a tiny number of relevant tweets that you might have missed since your last visit. This feature enables Twitter to highlight specific posts that are most likely to be seen. 

3. Remaining Tweets in Reverse Chronological Order

This is the final main section where your “regular” Twitter feed starts. After seeing all of the highly relevant Tweets selected by the algorithm, the remaining will show up in reverse chronological order. This also helps the user to see the latest updates from the people connected with the user. This section also contains promoted tweets, retweets, and account suggestions, or sometimes you may also see tweets from the account you don’t follow. You might also see a column labeled “Happening Now” in the mobile App. It is full of events featured at the top of the timeline. 

What Else?

The Twitter algorithm is, ultimately there to help you. This algorithm is continuously evolving. It helps to get your post in front of audiences with similar interests rather than scrolling through a constant flow of new posts. Twitter is going to launch an automated tweet promotion service. For $99 a month, this will help increase your reach by automatically amplifying your tweets and profile. This service might open up for brands if it goes well.