What is Customer Acquisition and Best Acquisition Ideas

Customer Acquisition

Customer acquisition is all about compelling people to buy your products or service. In reality, it’s more complicated and competitive than you might think. For this, you have to understand how people decide to buy products or services. Unless people know about your product or service, believe in it, and respect it, you won’t generate any income.

The barrier under this stream is that the business is degrading over time. Hubspot reported that 55% of customers don’t trust brands, from brands they previously did. Nearly 65% of customers don’t believe the brands they buy from as much as they previously did, and 71% have no faith in sponsored posts on social media platforms. 

This lack of brand trust has made jobs in marketing and sales extremely challenging. Companies throw plenty of money to push marketing strategies, but most of them eventually fail. 

In previous years, the cost of managing and customer acquisition has shot up to 50% from before. Marketing is becoming highly expensive, and customers are becoming less trustworthy of brands. So, companies sometimes give up. Companies should not give up, and they should opt for smarter ways to keep their audience. 

The Best Acquisition Ideas

Here some of the best customer acquisition ideas

1. Keep a Follow-up with Unopened Emails

Focus on how to increase the number of people engaging with emails that you send to your subscribers by specifically targeting those that haven’t opened them. Get an e-mail marketing software, and find all of the subscribers that received the email but failed to open it. Resend your email with a completely new and attractive subject to only these people. As a result, this will give you a chance to increase the number of people for your campaign without looking like you’re spamming subscribers.

2. Pick up a Website and Migrate Its Content

This idea is seriously compelling for increasing traffic in a short period of time. Not only that, but it also proves to be the most cost-effective way.

For this:

  1. Hunt for a top site with a large number of long-tail keywords relevant to your buyer persona.
  2. Approach the owner of the site and see whether he/she is interested in getting valuations or selling.
  3. If yes, agree and acquire their web property.
  4. Migrate over all of the content from the website to your existing domain.
  5. Once all the content is migrated, push the rest of the website’s content and backlinks to you by setting up 301 redirects.
  6. Now, you can absorb all of the acquired domain’s traffic while getting an additional SEO boost for your acquisition. 

3. Set up Affiliate Program

Generate customers through referrals. This is not like usual affiliate programs where reference is done, and you pay them. Here the approach is different. The other way could be driven more by business development partnerships. Let’s integrate your product with another company’s product. Then, every time someone checks up on your product as a direct result of the integration, the other product is also promoted, and later you can pay out for it as a referral. It will be dependent on the product pricing model. 

4. Answer Quora Questions

Generate traffic by answering relevant questions or questions of your domain on Quora. There are several sites which will fetch out top related queries for your area. You’ll get a list of all the relevant questions on Quora that drive regular organic search traffic. Try to answer the questions and post your link to the content with it.

5. Find out locations of your potential customers

Hunt for the physical locations of your customers to flourish your target market. You can localize your campaigns easily.