Expert Tips on Key Social Media Engagement Skills

Tips on Key Social Media Engagement Skills

In this article, we are going to let you know about some of the best expert tips when it comes to social media engagement skills. Let’s get started.


Copywriting happens to be one of the most fundamental skills when it comes to social media engagement. Writing a good copy is required in many areas such as – filling up a brand’s social media profile description, to crafting Tweets and Facebook posts. To drive engagement and clicks, you will have to fit a captivating story into your social media posts, which, without great copywriting can’t be made possible.


Recently, researchers have found that social media posts that contain images happen to receive a lot more engagement. Also, it should be noted that 43% of consumers have shown interest in wanting to see more video content in the future. This is why having design skills is complementary to social media engagement skills. The entire landscape of social media has evolved a great deal over recent years. Now visual content such as images and videos are more preferred over text-based posts.

Community Engagement

As of right now, social media happens to be the top channel people go to for customer care. However, only 21% of businesses and brands use social media for customer support. This means that there is a huge opportunity here to provide remarkable customer service experience as well as drive engagement. Now, if you are a social media manager, then you need to learn how to engage the community to boost the overall social media engagement rate. It is very important to have conversational skills as well as empathy to help your customers on social media.

Community engagement happens to be quite similar in many ways. A great social media community manager will be able to ask the right questions to facilitate engagement and answer questions regarding the product, company, or industry.

Behavioral Psychology

As a social media manager, with data and analytics, you must know which type of social media posts are doing well. Behavioral psychology can explain the reasons why a post is doing well. For example, why are people specifically attracted to certain posts? Why are your followers sharing certain posts only? If you know the ‘what’ behind the success of a post, then it will allow you to spot trends very easily and you can try to repeat past successes. However, if you know the ‘why’ behind the success of posts, then it will enable you to understand the underlying causes for those trends which can double your engagement rate in the future.


Being naturally curious will help you immerse yourself in the social media world and help you stay up-to-date with the latest developments and experiment with new social media marketing strategies which can boost engagement.

This brings us to the end of our discussion on expert tips for key social media engagement skills. Now, do let us know some of your thoughts and opinions on the same.