Everything about How to Optimize Pinterest For Your Brand


Before jumping directly on the topic, it is essential to understand the concept of SMO. SMO stands for social media optimization. It refers to the techniques and strategies for promoting awareness of a brand, publication, product, etc., on social media. It encourages sharing content that attracts people to a particular website. An organization’s message and online presence grow through social media networks. SMO uses social media as a catalyst to build a company’s online presence using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. But here’s why Pinterest becomes an excellent platform out of all the other mediums. 


Pinterest is a successful tool for businesses. It is a social networking service designed to enable saving and discovery of information on the World Wide Web using images, GIFs and videos, in the form of pin boards. Moreover, it grew by 97% in 2016 and had 150 million monthly active users, making it one of the fastest-growing social networks. Therefore its reach to a large crowd of targeted customers for one’s brand is quite evident. 

What should one do to optimize a business brand using Pinterest?

1. You can join Pinterest as a Business Brand

Start by optimizing your profile to review your brand image effectively. Here’s how:  

  • Have a definite company logo in your profile picture.
  • Create an attractive cover photo that pictures your brand.
  • Write a description that accurately defines your brand.
  • Include your brand URL
  • Focus on some of your best boards such as “Featured boards.” It gives people a glimpse of what you have to offer them.

2. Research

Analytics can help improve the profitability of the business & Pinterest gives you metrics to see what content from your website is most popular. You can learn about the number of unique users, the number of re-pins, impressions, and visits to your site that gets the most re-pins; therefore, you can check out for ideas on what your business can pin to drive traffic and increase sales.

3. Influencers

3. Every platform has influencers who stand out within their industry. Building relationships with those influencers can benefit your business to a great extent. 

  • Pinterest is used to locate online influencers who already know the target audience.
  • You can initiate by following them and repinning the content you like. 
  • Go ahead and like other pins and make comments. 

This is an essential first step in relationship-building. Make some effort to comment on influencers’ pins to encourage relationships that result in new audiences.

4. Interaction with your Audience

Interaction with your audience is significant for your business to be recognized and known to a large crowd therefore, don’t let Pinterest’s casual style keep you from engaging with commenters. Every user notices when businesses engage in conversations. Make sure your brand responds to the comments and questions users post on pins.


Lastly, the most important thing to keep a business running in such a competitive market is an inspiration to give the best of your product/service to the targeted customer. Pinterest provides that, too. The visual content will surely bring ideas to your mind. Establishing a Pinterest presence for your brand shouldn’t be domineering. With some practice, combined with data-driven insights, you can also find new ways to optimize your efforts and enjoy a lot of benefits of Pinterest for brands. Therefore, sign up, browse around, and let the site help you brainstorm your projects