Know about Social Media Innovations that are Changing Trends

Social Media Innovations that are Changing Trends

In the world of changing trends, ephemeral content disappears within seconds, and the only constant thing is the need for innovation. Social media evolves at a mind-blowing pace in order to allow people to connect with their friends and family. Yet, people will admit that this is also how they get updates on new products and campaigns. You will still hear users say they keep the social networking channels open because they want to view brands they are following. For companies, social media is viewed as an absolute staple of modern business. The most recent social media innovations have changed browsing, visualizing, and screen-shopping into a more engaging and social experience.


No one will argue the pulling power of the allure of videos that are constantly being taken to new levels. Moreover, in live-streaming, the accent is on the feeling of being behind the scenes and feeling very much a part of the action. Real-time comments make this even more exciting and, businesses are starting to capitalize on this. The latest craze is the appearance of 360° videos that can engage the viewer on an even deeper level.

Pinterest Lens

This handy feature of Pinterest is referred to, as the visual discovery that suggests styling ideas, recipes, and the like. Once you’ve taken a photo it will generate pins and there are bound to be some suggested purchases as well. Try taking a photo of your old chair and you will be tempted with photos of lush new chairs. In the history of social media innovations, Pinterest stands out in giving the best pictures for a strong visual feast to your eyes.

The MasterPass Messenger Bots

This is a prime example of how a company can liaise with social media to revolutionize the customer experience. MasterCard has done this in cooperation with Facebook Messenger, which enables a seamless automated experience. Moreover, it is all from the convenience of the messenger app, predicted to include payment capabilities. This growing trend is responsive to the needs of modern-day consumers which is a key to good innovation.

Shoppable Photo Tags and Like2Buy

Instagram has come up with a new feature with which you can be tagged in photos, and the Like2Buy option.  Moreover, users can now browse, and buy a product or save it in a wish list for a future purchase. According to some calculations, social media users are engaging with brands on Instagram more than they are on Facebook. With all this in mind, it is clear that Instagram’s presence is essential for your business with shoppable photos tags.

Cross-Platform Influencers

While once businesses relied on celebrity endorsement, now a greater emphasis is placed on social media influencers. In the history of social media, innovations are perceived as relatable and cross-platform influencers. This has the appearance of being organic and to a degree, it is essentially peer recommendation. Although, some influencers even achieve a strong social media presence to brand awareness, inspiring and cooperating with users should eventually create followers and influencers. Social media influencers share value-added content across social platforms and have proven to be game-changers for any brand.