How Much to Invest at 25 to Create Retirement Wealth

Invest at 25 to Create Retirement Wealth

If you want to quit the corporate world 10 years earlier than most Americans, you’ll need a sizable nest egg to draw from. Therefore, you need to estimate the starting balance someone would invest at 25 to create retirement wealth. You need a taxable investment account the day you leave work to live on, until age 90. It could be either $100,000 a year in dividends (fixed income from bond investments) or capital gains.

To simulate a hypothetical retiree, you must make assumptions about retiree’s investments and tax treatments. You can assume a conservative 3% inflation estimate on state or local taxes. Also, if the investments are in a taxable account, you can’t withdraw money without a penalty.

How Much You Would Need Invested:

An investor who leaves work at age 55 would need $3.45 million in a taxable investment account. Moreover, on the day they retire, if they want an annual post-tax income of $100,000, and the investor reduced their annual income to $65,000, they would need only $2.2 million. If you plan to live on even less, reduce your spending, you’d need a smaller lump sum to start.

Furthermore, those who plan to start withdrawing money less than five years after leaving work would need an even smaller sum in a taxable account. It is recommended to invest 70% of the lump sum in stocks and 30% in bonds. This is considered a growth asset allocation because of the age of the investor. However, it is important the retiree update their financial plan whenever they experience a significant life change.

Assumptions Used to Calculate the Starting Investment Balance 

Here are the assumptions used in the simulation:


  • All investments are in a taxable account.
  • Used $8,333 per month for a $100,000 target annual income and $5,417 per month for a $65,000 target annual income.
  • JPMorgan long-term return estimates; 3% inflation used for a conservative amount.
  • Younger investors take on more risk than older investors.
  • 5% annual portfolio turnover.
  • $0 capital loss carryover.
  • No asset-under-management fees included.
  • Lump-sum is invested at the start of simulation as cash with no built-in gains.


  • No state, local, or city tax factored in.
  • Standard deduction rate for a single filer.
  • Dividends: 85% are qualified dividends, 15% are non-qualified dividends.
  • Capital gains: 90% long-term capital gains, 10% short-term capital gains.
  • Tax Cuts and Jobs Act sunset 2025: reflects all updated provisions related to TCJA, including the sunsetting of most individual income-tax provisions in 2025.

For Age 25

The following are the reasons why you need to invest at 25 to create retirement wealth. You need a starting balance of $6,000,000 to live on. So, if you’re planning to retire early, you should aim to have 25 to 30% of your income invested in capital bonds and bank deposits. You should aim to pay off all your debt, including mortgage, and don’t forget a backup plan or to save money.