How To Gain Millions Of Instagram Followers Organically

Gain Millions of Instagram Followers Organically

With a whopping 1 billion users on the platform, Instagram has become one of the most popular destinations for the netizens. The United States ranks first in the number of Instagram users among all the countries. There are around 120 million Instagram users in the United States alone. These numbers are convincing enough to use Instagram as a platform to grow your business. Instagram can be used for showcasing numerous talents as well. Designers, celebrities, and writers all have stepped up their Instagram game nowadays. Despite the diverse content that are being posted across many accounts, everyone aspires to reach more audiences by growing their followers. These are some professional tips, curated by experts, to gain millions of Instagram followers organically.

Optimize your profile in Instagram

Updating and optimizing your Instagram profile is the primary step to increase your followers. Most of the followers browse through your profile, before deciding whether to follow the account or not. The most important element of your Instagram profile is your profile picture. Instagram allows you to display your profile picture in a circular format. So it is recommended to resize and place your image to be visible inside the circular boundary. 

Consistently post content

Many studies and research revealed that the more content you post, the more the followers and likes you accumulate. The probability of gaining followers is for an account that posts content consistently is way more than an account that rarely posts content. You can easily double the number of followers on Instagram by posting content 1-6 times every week. More posts result in more follower engagement, and the probability of your content being shared also increases. Instagram’s algorithms work in a way that when you post more content online and that content has significant user engagement rates, such posts are often placed on the top of the newsfeed, chronologically.

Scheduling your posts is important to increase the visibility and reach of your posts. It is impractical to post when there are a few followers active on Instagram. A practical solution for this problem is to upload your posts when there are more followers present on Instagram.

Use videos, Instagram Live and Stories

Instagram stories are one of the most celebrated features on Instagram. However, major brands and influencers on Instagram heavily exploit these live videos and stories to engage the audience and increase the reach. Visual content can easily grab the attention of the audience. Posting Instagram stories regularly is beneficial for the overall growth of the page and user engagement. Every day, approximately 400 million people view Instagram stories. 

Live videos are one of the most engaging features of Instagram. Live videos are a great feature that enables you to reach out, connect, and interact with your followers in real-time. So the Live videos also have an advantage of appearing first among Instagram stories.

Use quality hashtags wisely

Hashtags are extremely important on Instagram. Choosing the right hashtags to accompany your posts will give your profile exposure to the targeted audience. Use 9-30 hashtags that are relevant to your post to ensure maximum engagement from the users. Tools like Auto Hash can help you to find the right hashtags for your posts on Instagram. These are some tips to gain millions of Instagram followers organically.