The Best Techniques to Improve Video SEO

Video SEO or Video Search Engine Optimization is the operation that helps to increase the ranking of the video on the video search display or the general web browser.

What is Video SEO?

The SEO helps the video to get a better classification on the search page. Whenever someone searches for a video on the browser using relevant keywords, then the SEO helps to promote the best video first on the top list. SEO helps to bring more views to the video. Many techniques can help in getting a better grade for your videos.

Changes in Video SEO

The boom in technology after the 2000s has made it possible for more people to get their hands on the DSLR camera and high-quality video cameras. Also, more and more people without having much knowledge about video producing and editing, are trying their hands in this video industry. Whenever we search for any keywords on the search bar before getting the articles or the written content, we come across a lot of videos that are related to the critical search made by us.

With the introduction of video search engines like YouTube and Daily Motion, the competition is becoming tougher nowadays. Now almost everyone has a cell phone with a high-resolution camera. Moreover, lots of video editing software is available all around the internet. With this enhancement in the industry, it has also become tough to be on the top of the internet.

It has become difficult to get your video graded as the best on search engines, as it was three years ago. Getting your video ranked on the search browser is very difficult. Instead, getting it listed on the video search is more comfortable and easier to get more views. The emphasis should be on making the video perform better on the video search page.

Some Techniques Which will Help for Better Video SEO

1.  Opting for the better platform for your video

The selection of the video uploading platform is essential. Preference should be made based on the reason for uploading videos. If you are not worried about the number of people visiting your website, then the best platform could be Daily Motion or YouTube. If the reason for the video is to entertain, then Vimeo can be an excellent option. If the reason for the video is promotion and branding, then social networking sites like Facebook and Instagram can be considered.

2. Try putting captions on your video

Putting subtitles and captions will help people around the world to understand it better without causing much disturbance to others around them. Additional text will also help your video to get better ranking.

3. Focus on the thumbnail picture of your video

Having a good thumbnail photo with a better description will attract more and more people. The image will also help people find more relevant videos according to their search.

4. Work on a better title

Having a better title and a good description of the video will provide a better understanding of the video. Writing a proper description will also help you in the promotion of your video on the video search page on the browser.

5. Make your video the center focus of your page

Place your video at the best possible position on the page. Try to put it on the upfront rather than putting it on the last.

6. Try promoting your video on other platforms

Rather than depending on SEO for your video, try to promote it on other social media platforms to make it more accessible for more people.


Video SEO is a tool to help you in getting people to be attracted to your video. For better optimization, the use of proper techniques is essential, as better optimization provides a better response to the video.