Best B2B Instagram Tips to Expand your Business

Instagram is a highly effective marketing medium for any B2B company. It caters to more mature audience segments around the world. And as Instagram’s user base is tremendously growing, the target audience for B2Bs is also expanding. It is creating even more business opportunities for people. The competition among B2Bs on Instagram is comparatively low. This makes it easy to build your presence on Instagram.

Instagram can strengthen your brand image. And, it can create awareness among the user base as it is essential to get engaged with the audience to attract new customers.

It can be possible to market your B2B brand successfully on Instagram, by following these suggestions:

1. Use hashtags to attract the audience

Using hashtags on Instagram is one of the most trending ways to increase your content with relevant audiences. People are encouraged to post your hashtags when they post something about your business. Your content can also be categorized if you have several business divisions, product lines, or services.

2. Define your brand in your Bio

Your Instagram Bio can be a first impression for your B2B. It can be a small version of your webpage’s introduction for users on Instagram. Also, consider including these items in your Bio:

a) The tagline of your brand

b) Description

c) Your Mission

d) Use Hashtags

3. Showcase your Company Culture & office Space

If your office location is trendy and you have a sweet workplace, you can use it to create content for the Instagram profile. It is a great place to start for B2B brands — take photos of your space, office location, meeting rooms, etc. You can also upload pictures of company events such as having lunch, a group discussion, etc..

4. Include employees to boost recruitment efforts

If you are willing to recruit new employees, then update on Instagram about what your team is up to each day. People usually look forward to all your social media accounts to get a better perspective of what you do and who you are. Include events to highlight your employees’ hard work and responsibilities by using the tags employee of the day and team of the month. This will motivate your current employees and also attract new people to be a part of it.

5. Use UGC to involve Audience

UGC is User-Generated Content. It is the content that you didn’t create, but it shows your relationship with an actual customer. UGC is a powerful way to raise the credibility of your B2B company. When your audience starts using your hashtags, they are promoting your business. That is benefitting your B2B company.

6. Promote your events

An increasing number of B2B companies attend and organize several events and trade shows throughout the year. Their primary purpose is to promote their business and attract new customers. Also, collect your marketing efforts in a full circle and encourage your attendance at these events on Instagram through stories or live video.

7. Gain feedback from the users

Using the Polling feature on Instagram is a great way to communicate with the users. You can ask what they want to see on your Instagram profile and strategize your plans accordingly. Also, this will help you to analyze your performance on Instagram.

8. Wrap Up

Instagram is a growing networking channel that many B2B companies are using to expand their business. Also, it is significant to be prepared with the knowledge and tools which are necessary to create returns through social media. B2B companies are seamlessly making the social media transition to new platforms to flourish their business.