Know-How to Build A Great Social Media Marketing Plan

Since it’s inception, social media has become an increasingly vital marketing channel for businesses of all sizes. Now, that being said, one might ask how should they go about making their business grow with social media? Well, you need to have a great social media marketing plan in place. In this article, we are going to discuss exactly what goes into building one. Let’s get into it!

Audit Your Current Presence on Social Media Marketing

Before you can begin to put together a social media marketing plan, you need to first audit where you currently are. This includes taking into consideration things such as which social media platforms are you on, among all the social media platforms which are bringing you most value, and so on.

Documenting Exactly Who Is Your Ideal Customer

When you are at this particular step, you have to be as specific as you can. You need to know where does your target audience live, what are their tastes, preferences, and so on. This will help you create a marketing plan which will be custom-tailored to engage with your audience in the best way possible.

Consider Creating a Mission Statement for Your Social Media Marketing

Your social media mission statement will help guide and drive your future actions. Therefore, this is an essential element of a social media marketing plan. For instance, your mission statement can be something along the lines of: “to use social media channels to educate current and potential customers about my e-commerce products”.

Identifying Key Metrics of Success

You need to be able to use metrics to measure the success of your social media marketing efforts. It’s not simply about gaining more followers or getting more people to comment on your updates or posts.  A few metrics you can consider measuring are – conversion rate, reach, mentions of your brand, and total shares.

Creating Content that Is Engaging for Your Audience

Sadly, many marketers and businesses tend to jump to this step straight away. That is not the right way to do it. Almost anyone can create a piece of content that is engaging. However, to engage your target audience, you need to first complete all the steps mentioned above. After that, you will be able to create content effectively which will be engaging for the right audience type.

Consider Investing in a Social Media Management Tool

Most marketers tend to leverage tools that boost their productivity. Without tools, most marketers will start facing burnout constantly (even though some of them face burnout without tools as well). This is why, when it comes to social media, you must have a social media management tool that will help you scale your efforts. Also, you must take note of the fact that one of the main benefits of a social media management tool is to help you schedule posts ahead of time.

This brings us to the end of our discussion on building a great social media marketing plan. Now, do let us know some of your strategies for doing the same if you are a marketer by profession.