The Best Tips to Master Instagram Like a Pro

Master Instagram Like a Pro

If you can master Instagram like a pro then you can reap massive benefits in terms of business opportunities from that platform. Therefore, you must begin to give serious thought to the popular image sharing platform. In this article, we are going to help you understand exactly how you can go about mastering Instagram like a rockstar! Let’s get started.

Spy on Your Competitors

To be able to build your own Instagram strategy, you need to be able to first spy on what your competitors are doing. Find out what exactly is the type of content they have been posting. From this, you will be able to gain a lot of valuable insights in terms of content ideas. You can also try to find out how they are engaging with their audience and build up your communication strategy accordingly. Lastly, always remember that all the research that you are doing about your competitors is for you to be able to differentiate from them with an added edge. Never try to blatantly copy what they are doing. That is one of the easiest ways to make sure you are going to be completely unsuccessful on Instagram.

Figure Out Which Hashtags Work the Best

On Instagram, hashtags help people find relevant content they want to see or discover. Without them, there is a very minimal chance for the discovery of your account by other people. Therefore, you must be able to find out which hashtags work the best. Also, while including hashtags in your posts, remember that the limit is up to 30. If you add more than 30 hashtags in a singular post then you will find that when the post gets published and the additional hashtags have been deleted.

Always Try to Attract and Engage Other Users

This should always be your central and most important strategy on Instagram. These days, it doesn’t really matter how many followers you have gotten. If nobody seems to be responding to your posts then it’s almost equivalent to you not existing on the platform at all and that is not good. There are many illegal and shady sites out there where you can very easily buy crazy amounts of followers. However, you can never buy real-time engagement on the platform. You can only achieve it by putting in the hard work and hours to achieve it.

DM People on Instagram

On Instagram, you will always be allowed to send a direct message to one or many (max. 15) users. If you see that some users have been regularly engaging with your content, then you can consider sending them a direct message asking them if you can help out in some way or the other. However, that being said, always remember that you can be reported for spam.

This brings us to the end of our discussion on how to master Instagram like a pro. Now, do let us know some of your own tips and tricks for doing the same.