Facebook New Research in Evolving Video Consumption Habits

Facebook Video

Facebook Watch video has not become the next big digital platform yet. The opinions are growing gradually, with several shows building a significant audience. Last year Facebook reported that 720 million people watched at least 1 minute in Watch each month. This is some amazing data that is also about to grow in this COVID-19 lockdown.

Last month, Facebook provided data about the viewership of the audience. Moreover, it is an indication of how brands can connect with the platform. Brands can run their Facebook video ads and content. So, the below-mentioned statistics come from an October 2019 survey. Approximately 3,000 people participated in the survey in the US. They have indicated that they view Facebook Watch content more than once a week.

The result says that:

  • Watch videos get more views in the afternoon and evening, although the viewer’s rate remains high throughout the day.
  • 91% of the surveyors say that they enjoy sharing watch videos regularly.
  • 81% of the viewers are looking to connect with the people who share the same interests.

Facebook shared info-graphic, which contains the following information:

What is the Publisher’s Video in Facebook?

A video posted publicly on Facebook by a content creator is called the publisher’s video. Moreover, the content creator can be digital creators, media platforms, TV broadcasters, and Facebook original shows. A video posted by your friend and family is not counted as a publisher’s video.

Where can we see the Publisher’s Video in Facebook?

We can see the publisher’s video in a dedicated tab, which is known as a Watch. There are more than 720 million people around the world every month that visit Watch and view at least 1-minute of content. So, videos on Facebook are made by publisher’s generated content. Creators can run ads on their videos to monetize the content. This is how the Facebook video ecosystem works.

What is the reason behind so much Viewership? 

  • 90% of people watch Facebook videos to discover new points of interest.
  • 81% of people watch to connect with the people who have the same interests.

What time do people view it?

People view watch videos throughout the day.

What is the reason people share It?

Video viewing on Facebook is all about social connections. So, they are eager to share what they find with their friends and family. The study suggests that:

  • 94% of the respondents said that they share the publisher’s video.
  • 89% said that they share to influence people’s moods.
  • 87% of the respondents said they share videos to connect with the people who have similar interests.
  • 82% said that they share to inspire people.
  • 82% said that they share because they want to express themselves.

What does that mean for marketers?

  • Tap into the personalization
    • People’s viewing habits are shifting toward mobile devices; that is why they want more personalized entertainment. Based on that interest, Facebook has built a ‘watch’ feature. However, brands can find a way for their product to personalize content. They can create a more significant impact.
  • Connect anytime
    • Time slot drove definitions that are no longer bound advertisers of all sizes. People are watching TV or any online platform to stay informed and positive during the COVID-19 outbreak. The Facebook campaign could work unitedly to help people find the relaxation they need.


Facebook New Research in Evolving Video Consumption Habits tells how people are utilizing video sharing on Facebook. It is an indirect indication for marketers to promote their brand on Facebook watch.