A Beginners Guide to the Bing Webmaster Tool

Bing is a search engine that is offered by Microsoft. It is another popular search engine other than Google. Also, it provides a tool that can direct more SEO traffic directly to your website. The process is quite effortless. Let’s start about the Bing webmaster tool.

In this article, you will learn the services that the Bing tool offers. We are going to focus on these points:

  1. Knowledge of the Bing webmaster tool
  2. Activating the Bing webmaster tool
  3. Establishing the Bing webmaster tool
  4. Functions of the Bing webmaster tool

1. Knowledge of the Bing webmaster tool

It helps to promote the websites in the Bing crawler. It keeps track of the site and the changes needed by the website. Several benefits can be taken out of the tool.

Bing accounts for 9.1% of the total searches made on the internet. Therefore, Bing provides a golden chance to make your website more accessible among people. It can assist in keeping a check on the general well being of your website.

2. Activating the Bing webmaster tool

Initially, all you need to do is create a free account on the tool. You may use your Google, Outlook, or Facebook account to do so. You will be directed to an unoccupied space. Then you will have to add your website to the add URL space. Next, you will be redirected to a page where you have to add some particulars about the website. Then discover your sitemap and paste it to URL corner and save your profile. By doing these steps, you can activate this tool.

3. Establishing the Bing webmaster tool

There are several ways to verify your account. These methods include:-

a.       Using an XML file – Upload the file to your domain folder.

b.       Meta tool – Add the Meta tags to your website

c.       Hosting provider – CNAME recorded from the host.

4. The function of Bing a webmaster tool

A graph in the tool helps the user to keep a record of details and facts. The graph also keeps the abstract of your tasks.

You can also see the pages that have creped by the Bing search engine using the index explorer. It will provide the analysis of explored pages and their URLs.

Keyword searches

This option will let you know the keywords that have made people visit your website and the entire peak URLs that have been visited. The CTR performance of the website can be tracked.

SEO performance

Top SEO results are given by the tool. This practice ensures the proper techniques to follow to get better SEO rankings.

Inbound links

This shows the links from other websites. Also, it will help you to know about the profits and drops from a particular URL.

Crawling details

This tool shows any inaccuracy in the crawl details. It will help to overcome the undefined errors that you get while visiting the website.

Conclusion :

The above guide will help to understand more about the tool offered by the Bing search engine. The overall performance of your website can be examined using this single tool.