Know about How to Get the Best Out of Google Analytics

Information About Google Analytics

Do you have a website or a blog? If yes, whether they are for personal or business use, you should learn how to get the best out of Google Analytics. Content is the leading asset for your marketing on the Web, but you won’t achieve much if you can’t see how people acknowledge your content.

There is a vast range of tools out there, claiming that they can help you get the most out of the data you collect from your website or social media channel. But, Google Analytics surpasses them all. Moreover, Google Analytics can help you pull useful insights out of mountains of data. In order to know how to get the best out of it, you should first understand how it works.

Similarly, the Google Analytics tool collects data and information for your site or blog using cookies, using the browser, and the help of a JavaScript code. You must include the JavaScript code in your pages and the cookies that are generated once the user accesses the web through a browser.

By this, Google Analytics records your user’s activity from the time he/she arrives until he/she leaves your website. Then it transforms the obtained data into different reports and graphs to make it easier to know the evolution.

Its operation is based on three processes:

  • collection of data
  • the processing
  • creation of reports

Key Points to Boost Your Page

Check for user behavior category

Marketers should always keep an eye on the user’s behavior or activities on your website. These reports show what events are going on, each URL, and how people flow through your website. You can see how much time they spend on pages, where they go, the bounce rate, number of pages per visit, and much more. Behavior reports are often surprising as sometimes the user acts differently than expected.

Analyze your current traffic

You’ll get traffic from multiple sources as almost everybody uses a different platform. However, to increase the engagement of your page, you should know what they are and if they even play any role in your success. Using the Source report, you can determine your audience.

Connect Adwords and Analytics

If you’re currently using AdWords as a platform, you must connect it to your Google Analytics dashboard. Combining then will give plenty of data on keywords and searching attributes. Use the words obtained from the search queries report to drive sales.

Use a customized approach for top reports

Sometimes Google Analytics takes time to extract useful data. Instead of waiting for browsing analytics for hours to locate data that can help you increase sales, create custom reports. To do this, follow the steps below:

1: Head to the Admin section of your Analytics account:

2: Click the “View” section.

3: Choose “All Website Data.”

4: Click the “Custom Alerts” tab.

With this, you can receive email updates and text message notifications. Modify your alert conditions, and you can customize specific scenarios that you want alerts for.

Mend the Leaky Gaps in Your Top Search Pages

However, most of the pages that send traffic are leaky pages. In other words, the page attracted lots of views but not only based on conversions, or terms of email subscriptions, phone calls, email contact, product sales, etc. You need to optimize your page to a specific goal.

A user visits the page, but due to those keywords that offer sales or promotions, they bounce back if the content is less relevant.

To overcome this, use your Google Analytics to find :

    i. Pages that occur on the first page of the search.

    ii. Pages that rank for keywords but don’t generate much traffic.