How to Build Best Backlinks Strategies

Backlinks Strategies

Getting backlinks from high-quality websites or e-commerce business is not that easy. It involves the right networking, content marketing, promotion techniques, utilizing the right tools, and your backlink portfolio. If you are looking to diversify your backlink profile, here we have 6 of the best backlinks strategies that will help you to get hyperlinks pointing towards your website.

1. The Broken-Link Building Method

Broken link building is one of the best ways to create one-way backlinks. In this, you have to report broken links to the webmaster on their website. Then, you would suggest some other links, including your websites, to replace those broken links. When you reach out to that webmaster, be friendly and introduce yourself. Then tell the person that they are linking to other resources which are no longer available. The chances are high that you’ll get backlinks to your website.

2. Connect with Bloggers & Reporters on HARO

If you want to rank on the first page of Google, it is important to build backlinks from quality news sites and blogs. Also, you can get in touch with bloggers and journalists through HARO (Help A Reporter Out). In this, people are in search of links for their upcoming posts or stories. So, look for the people related to your niche, reach out to them, or reply to their queries and get quality backlinks to your website.

3. Create Link Round-up Posts

The link round-up post is a simple way to get backlinks from a reputable site. In this, you have to feature the experts’ opinions, and you can generate a ton of traffic to your website. People are always in search of expert insights and tips relating to careers, business endeavors, etc. The more useful information you provide to your audience, the higher the traffic you will get to your website. Further, the expert you feature will re-share your post, and most of the time they also link back to the post from their websites, which will add value to your page.

4. Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is always a great way to build backlinks by pitching an author of quality posts. You can connect with authors with great portfolios or people who have been published on top sites like Forbes, The Huffington Post, etc. Getting links from reputable authors or sites will make your pitch appealing and increases your chances of being published more. Ultimately, you will get the best links on your website and of course, a lot of traffic.

5. Monitor your Competitors

It is important to keep an eye on your competitors. Monitor your competitors’ mentions in various social media platforms and forums. Especially from the mentions on their Twitter, you can get your target authors to whom you can approach to consider your posts. In the end, you will get a chance to earn backlinks.

6. Post Case Studies & Industry Statistics

Do you want people to reach out to you for backlinks? If you create blog posts with industry statistics, research case studies, original and data-driven insights, then you don’t have to worry about backlinks. Content creators are always in search of these kinds of posts; hence you can easily get the links to come to you.