How To Avoid Overheating Of Your Laptop

How to Avoid Overheating of Your Laptop

Laptops have become more compact and powerful than ever before. A sharp increase in CPU performance is maintained by processor chips that are densely packed with transistors. Slimmer cases pack many processors and more vital graphics cards to support more giant screens with higher resolutions. These advanced developments come at a cost: excess heat. The biggest threat to your laptop is overheating, and this can cause permanent damage to your laptop. In this blog, we will tell you some fantastic tricks to avoid overheating of your laptop.

Check and Clean the Fans

Whenever you sense your laptop getting hot, put your hand next to your laptop’s fan vents. You will know whether the fan is working correctly if you feel hot or warm air blowing out of the vents. If you feel no or very little air coming out, dust might have accumulated on the fans. You can try to open up the machine and blow out the dust deposits with some relatively compressed air. Replace the fan if the fan has broken. You can also ask a professional or take your laptop to any repair shop to get it repaired.

Elevate Your Laptop

Overheating can be caused by a lack of inadequate ventilation beneath the laptop. You can solve this problem by elevating your laptop and putting a small book under it. If you don’t want to use a book and want a fixed solution, you can buy a laptop cooling pad to provide enough ventilation under your laptop. There are varieties of cooling pads available, and you can buy one online.

Controlling Fan Speeds

Constant running of air-cooling fans prevents them from running at full speeds. When your fans run at high speeds, it states that the CPU is working hard and using more energy. You can install software like-SpeedFan to regulate the speed of your laptop’s fan speed.

Use a Lap Desk

Another method to provide enough ventilation is to use a lap desk. The desk’s small rubber legs elevate the laptop and provide enough elevation to enhance airflow underneath your machine. However, some people prefer to place laptops on their laps while using them. This restricts airflow and leads to overheating of the laptop. A lap desk also helps in maintaining constant airflow, which can keep your laptop cool.

Avoid Using Intense Processes

The overheating in a laptop may arise because of intense processes. You can keep your laptop cool by preventing the use of such processes on your machine. If you need to use the process, you can close other processes running in the background to remove extra stress on the CPU.

Keep Your Laptop Out of the Heat

Overheating may occur because of extreme exposure to direct sunlight or heat, especially during the summer. Hot temperatures may cause a computer to overheat because of heat produced in CPU and other components. Therefore, it is advised to keep your laptop in the shade whenever temperatures are high or use it in a cooler room. Additionally, here are the 5 best upcoming laptops with the fastest speeds.