Know Your Brand Advertising in TikTok

Brand Advertising on TikTok :

TikTok is one of the most downloaded apps across the globe. Advertising on TikTok can offer brands a massive reach and unparalleled engagement level. Advertising with TikTok is a newly launched option. So far it has proved to be more effective than Instagram or Facebook because videos are the most impactful content format. Which is why video advertising is taking over digital advertising. TikTok advertising is also the only video advertising option available at Cost per Click. In this article, we will be discussing your brand advertising in TikTok. There are a number of advantages to TikTok advertising. Let us have a look at some of them:

1. Massive Reach and Unparalleled Engagement

TikTok is one of the most used apps currently with more than 120 million monthly active users. Most of them tend to spend more than 30 minutes every day on this app. It has been noticed that shorter videos capture more attention. The high entertainment quotient as well as a no-judgment environment, attribute to the success of these advertisements as well. Combined, these factors make TikTok video advertising attractive to brands.

2. Focus on Performance

Video advertising has always been limited to brand awareness campaigns. TikTok advertising is primarily focused on performance. Additionally, it works on a Cost per Click basis. The feature of TikTok advertising is that video ads play in between videos. These are shorter as compared to in video advertising in case of other social media platforms.

3. Audience of a Younger Age Group

According to a survey, more than 85% of the TikTok users are below 35 years of age. You can easily target the younger population for your advertisements.

4. An Uncluttered Social Media Platform

TikTok advertising was launched only recently. That means it is yet to achieve its full potential. This provides the brands with an uncluttered environment for advertising. After learning about the advantages, one might still wonder if TikTok advertising is suitable for their brand, and this depends on the field your brand belongs to. Several big brands use TikTok for advertising purposes. Some of these are Pepsi, Myntra, etc. They do so because of the massive reach provided by the app along with the high level of engagement.

But one should keep in mind that TikTok advertising majorly targets the younger population. This advertising is best suited for brands in the field of education, restaurants or cafes, food and beverages, apps, lifestyle brands, etc. Other platforms offer a similar audience and advertising option. Some of them are YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

Another feature of TikTok advertising is the several filters that would help the advertiser. Most of these are used so that the focus remains on the target audience. TikTok advertising helps advertisers to target an audience from a specific state or city. It is also possible to target a specific gender or age group. Advertisers can also target audiences based on OS or device value. Additionally, it also offers many language options to choose from.