6 Hard Truths About Marketing in the Modern Age

Marketing is making a tasty dish look pleasant and draw the attention of potential consumers. It’s all about highlighting your bests and making it sound interesting. A few hard truths about marketing have been underlined here.

A Few Hard Truths about Marketing

1. Good writing doesn’t usually sell itself

Do not judge a book by its cover, as that often goes wrong with the marketing point of view. Sound quality is just not everything until it is marketed well and reaches the target audience. The best-written books do not make the highest-selling numbers if they’re not attractive enough. Quality undoubtedly is the essence, but it needs to be appealing as well. What’s the use of a well-written article if it doesn’t make sense through the masses. Its substance remains undervalued, and efforts go in vain.

2. Lack of marketing knowledge

The two primary weapons of marketing lies in complete knowledge of the concerned field and faith in the work. Full-fledged information about how marketing works will also help in gaining expertise and fruitful results. You also need to require a firm belief in your product. You can have the best of the best products to sell, but if you do not have confidence in your work, marketing is tedious. Consistent learning will help you gain knowledge and trust in your craft.

3. Work a schedule and repeat the particular actions

If you notice carefully, there’s an algorithm involved in the marketing industry. You may crack it in one go, and succeed in your attempts. There’s always a tendency for repetitive problems that call for repeated actions. Understanding this process will help you in developing a particular plan of action. Following this schedule plan will provide effective results.

4. Inaccurate time scale and false expectations

A book cannot become the bestseller in a fleeting moment. It’s mere foolishness to think about overnight success. Good things also take time and a lot of patience, as there is not a defined timeline for the sales to rise rapidly. You have to calmly wait for the right time and keep doing your part. Books can’t be making profits with magic. Do not let any flashing fortunes doubt your capabilities.

5. Battle of self-worth and marketing success

A writer who has put forward their best foot deserves every bit of success. One’s efforts, energy, and a lot of emotions are involved in the making of the book. Calculating one’s self worth in the number of copies sold is not fair on his part. Quite often, when a book doesn’t do well, the author goes into self-doubting, and puts him/her in an endangered position and begins to lose confidence.

6. Tell a good story

A good author is the one who uses expert knowledge of words and correct grammar to speak a good story. The simplest stories also find the most reliable connections to the readers. He/she can develop a unique style of writing that provides an edge over the competitors.


However, with experienced marketing skills, it’s not impossible to build a strong customer base, learn the principles thoroughly, and make an intelligent application to grab more and more of an audience.