Best 5 Traits Of Financially Successful Millennials
Millennials are successful in taking control of our work environment. That may sound like a catastrophe, but it is not. It is excellent news.
The “Generation Y” or better known to Millennials are those born in the 80s and 90s. They practically do not remember a world without mobiles or without having information at the click of a button on the Internet.
This generation is said to be the best prepared in our history. Let’s see the common traits of financially successful millennials:
1. Millennials Are Digital Natives
Their native ability to understand digital technology makes them able to integrate it, more intuitively and quickly, into their jobs. This ability in the world in which we live is a crucial aspect that differentiates them among older workers. The least effort to take advantage of technology puts them one step ahead.
2. Millennials Have Higher Multitasking Capacity
Millennials are used to managing multiple sources of information in parallel at the same time and efficiently. That is why its multitasking capacity developed to a higher level compared to the previous generation.
3. Millennials Are More And Better Prepared
Never before in history has there been a generation with a higher rate of higher education. Specifically, more than 34% of Millennials have university degrees. Therefore, their greater access to information has not only occurred in the digital world but at the educational level.
They are aware of the need for continuous training to advance within their companies, sometimes too rigid or outdated for this professional. This constant training has two direct effects on their professional careers: they are more specialized and, at the same time, they are more flexible to changes.
4. Millennials Are Children Of Globalization
This generation connects to the world, and they are more open to change than previous generations. Millennials are more used to cultural diversity. That is not only due to developments in telecommunications and entertainment. It is also due to his remarkable increased knowledge of English, a universal language for both personal communication and business.
5. Millennials Are Less Conformist
The conformity in which their parents brought up no longer has the same effect on them. Millennials see more than owning a home or starting a “traditional” family. For them, the priorities have changed, is the development of their professional career one of the most important.
Comfort has given way to challenges and recognition. That encourages them to be more proactive and less fearful when it comes to developing their ideas and projects, making them an entrepreneurial generation. That need for recognition requires continuous feedback to set your new goals and direct your career plan. That requires changes in the mentality of companies that must get adapted to their needs.
We can affirm that the time for Millennials has arrived and that their role in our society of tomorrow is in action. For millennials, the ultimate goal is not employment. But the freedom to do what they are passionate about both in and out of the office. Always chasing their passions is what makes millennials so successful.