Guidelines for How to Use Best Social Media Hashtags

A hashtag is generally a marker that is used to put a focus on a particular topic in the article or content especially on social media platforms. In 2010, it was accepted as a word by the Oxford dictionary. However, it only became popular after it came into limelight when a lot of people started using these hashtags on various social media platforms. It works as a marker over the internet or social media. It has become enormously famous among Twitter users.

How to Find Hashtags for Each Social Media Network

1. Explore the hashtags on Twitter

Generally, we have multiple ways to find hashtags from Twitter. You can find the most famous hashtags being used by people recently by merely clicking on the search box available at the top-right handle of the page. You can also use some particular search words and put a hashtag before them to explore more content regarding the search.

2. Explore hashtags on Facebook

Using a similar technique that you used on Twitter, you can explore more searches on Facebook, also using the hashtag with the keyword and searching them in the search box. 

3. Explore the hashtags on Instagram

You can use the search box near the camera button on the Instagram app, and here you can search relevant content. All the treading hashtags can be seen by opting to explore more options on your app. Here you will see the most trending searches on Instagram.

4. Explore hashtags on Pinterest

This is also as simple as the other platforms and all you have to do is put the keyword in the search box to find relevant searches. In this manner, Pinterest will show you all the pins that follow the same keywords or hashtags. 

5. Explore hashtags on YouTube

YouTube provides you with service to use hashtags that can be put in the comments section. You can also search for the query on the search bar at the top using hashtags before the keywords or in the right section of the website.

How to Use Hashtags on Various Social Media Platforms

1. Using hashtags on Twitter

Using hashtags on Twitter posts will help make them more popular among other users. You are 21% more likely to be seen by another user when you use a hashtag in your post

2. Using hashtags on Facebook

Make your post public in the “settings” section and make use of hashtags. More hashtags will provide more views on your post.

3. Using hashtags on Instagram

Using more and more hashtags on your posts on Instagram will make them get more attention, which will bring more likes to your post.

4. Using hashtags on Pinterest

The hashtags are the essential part of any content on Pinterest; more appropriate hashtags will bring more viewers to the post.

5. Using hashtags on YouTube

Making the use of hashtags in the “comments” section will increase the interchange with other viewers. 

How to Create Your Hashtags:

You should try using the most relevant words that suit your posts or the content and put a hashtag (#) before them. Use a space to make the hashtags applicable.