How To Effectively Spy On Your Competitors Marketing Techniques

Sometimes if your business competitors are better at their marketing then they can cause you to go broke. This is why you must start observing all of their moves. This can help you compete with them effectively and then find loopholes in their strategy. This article discusses how you can effectively spy on your competitors’ marketing techniques.

Effectively Spy on Your Competitors’ Marketing Techniques:

In this article, we are going to discuss how you can effectively spy on your competitors’ marketing techniques. Let’s get started!

Start Following Their Social Media Channels and Blogs

This is a great starting point. Make sure that you are following all the competitors you know of on all major social media platforms they are active on. Also, go ahead and sign up for newsletters and start observing their blogs. Companies often tend to announce new features, publish product updates, and other news on their company blogs first.

Begin Tracking Their Brand

Start monitoring your competitors’ brands. As of right now, we have started living in the era of sharing every piece of information and experience. People do it and so do brands. Both share their opinions on various things. If there is an issue wherein a company’s support team failed to solve a problem, you’ll read about it on a tweet first. These things start to highlight the weaknesses of your competitors. Thus, begin monitoring these and taking notes. Reverse engineer their brand and come up with a marketing campaign for yourself wherein you can use these weaknesses against them in a clever way.

Consider Finding Out What Technologies They Rely On

In some cases, you just need to be totally honest and accept that your competitor is better at something in which you aren’t. For instance, if you visited their website and you observe they are tracking you everywhere with ads then you will know they are definitely good with marketing. Once you find out these key strengths of theirs, consider finding out which technologies are helping them achieve their goals.

Keep An Eye On Their Popularity

Many times, some companies tend to have thousands of likes on platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. However, you need to be able to see through that. Popularity isn’t entirely proportional to having many visitors and customers. Sometimes, it can also mean they just happen to spend a lot of time developing their social media presence.

Find Out Which Keywords They Are Buying

Have you ever wondered how your competitors happen to acquire customers? Well, they rely mostly on buying keywords via Google Adwords. That helps them gain visibility for related keywords. This is why if you know what keywords your competition uses for search engine ads, you will be able to effectively estimate costs and then find niche keywords that are cheaper and use it against them. Also, a bonus point, you will also find out how your competitors are trying to position themselves in the market space. There are many tools that can assist you with this research, so try to opt for them when comprehensive spying.

This brings us to the end of our discussion on how to spy on your competitors’ marketing techniques. Now, let us know some of your personal strategies for doing the same.