How to Leverage the Conversion Rate to Drive Growth

How to Leverage Conversion Rate to Drive Growth:

What does conversion mean to you? For increasing your conversion rate, you need to place your things in a way to make it impressive. With all the other techniques used in Digital Marketing, it is also essential for every marketer to optimize their marketing tactics over time. In this article, we will be discussing how to leverage the conversion rate to drive growth. 

With the use of optimization, we can improve the conversion rates and optimize our website traffic. This is an ongoing process that has to be done while you are in the market. The Conversion Rate Optimization is a process, which has different steps to be done to get the results. These steps include:

1. Clear Goals

To optimize a page, you should be very clear about the results you want to reach. You should be aware of what page you have to optimize and what audience you are targeting. However, various pages on the website show the user content of their choice and engage them. Moreover, you should be aware of your immediate goal, campaign goals, and long-term goals.

2. Gather Data

Every marketer is aware of what will work for the website and what will not. Once you have set the goals, you should get to know the metrics. All the parameters are then judged by the online tools, which are shown in the form of reports. 

3. Data Analyzing

The data that should be used in CRO needs to be analyzed and get meaningful optimization techniques. However, you should know what the measures are, what your conversion rate is, what is disturbing your conversion rate to drive growth, and why or how is the rate falling. 

4. Develop a Hypothesis

It should be clear in your mind what you want to improve on the website. An now you have to check solutions. You should know what to change, what is the target, and what is the outcome. Moreover, you should have a clear idea about what results you are looking for.

5. Design variants

The number of tests is limited to the percentage of traffic on the website. A small site needs fewer tests, while if the website has a lot of traffic, the number of tests has to increase. However, twenty-nine tests are enough if you have a small percentage of traffic. Based on the type of page, a particular test has to be selected.

6. Monitoring the test

Monitoring the test on the very first day is very important. If everything goes fine, it will almost take around 9 to 11 hours for the completion of the test. However, some problems and breaks can occur during this period, so you have to prepare. 

7. “Statistical Relevance”

Are your tests reliable? This is judged when you have traffic on your website. Analyze the data and follow the steps.