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Tag: Marketing Strategies

The Topmost Marketing Strategies by Philip Kotler

Topmost Marketing Strategies by Philip KotlerIf you are interested or involved in the field of marketing then...

The Best Marketing Strategies for a Service Business

Marketing Strategies for a Service BusinessA service-based business always needs to be marketed differently from a product-based...

How to Find the Best Brand Ambassadors for Your Business

A brand ambassador is a person who represents or promotes the company. He or she is the face of the company that...

Steps to Create Compelling Videos for Your Social Media

How to Make Compelling VideosSocial media has taken not only our phones but also our lives by...

Complete Guide about a Viral Marketing Campaign

What is a Viral Marketing Campaign?Viral marketing is a marketing strategy that relies on the audience. The...

The Best Social Media Marketing for Your Business

Social Media Marketing for Your BusinessSocial Media is the cheapest way for marketing your business. It is...

The Top 5 Valentine’s Day Marketing Strategies

We don’t need a day to express our love to anyone. But Valentine's Day is the one where one can confess their...

Common Traits of the Best Marketing Geniuses

Common Traits of the Best Marketing GeniusesIn the current era of social media marketing, just having a few...

Best Marketing Strategies to Fuel Your Business Growth

Marketing StrategiesGrowing a business is a tough task. For making a successful venture, you need to have...