Best Steps to Create Compelling Videos for your Social Media

How to Make Compelling Videos

Social media has taken not only our phones but also our lives by storm. Around 2.95 billion people are on social media. Social media is a humongous platform that connects the north to the south. It also allows you to connect to people directly and get instant reviews. These reviews can be negative, positive, or neutral. But, what matters the most is the content that you are sharing with the people. Social media is the medium through which people either get influenced or influence others. This brings a responsibility on your shoulders to pass on the right content. Don’t worry if you’re on a small budget, it’s still possible for you to create compelling videos.

Today with lacking attention span, it is evident that people can only focus on videos rather than text. We all agree with the fact that videos stay longer than texts. So, how do you make compelling videos for your audience? How do you make videos that are loved by the majority? Here are the steps for making compelling videos for your social media.


PLAN your topic, the content you want to show, and the message you want to send across. Write them down beforehand so that you can weave them into a story and not miss a point.

STEP 2 – TIME Management

TIME management is important. Use the first few and last few seconds of your video wisely. They will decide the maximum number of views. These seconds will decide whether the audience will stick with the video or not. The last few seconds must be able to convey the message and should be strong.


DESIGN your video according to the social media platform. Every platform has a different audience and a different time limit. Your video must be designed so that it fits in the timeline. It must also hit the right target audience. Hence, choose the right social media platform.


VISUALS must be clear in your video. Make sure that there is enough lighting. Add extra lights if required. Keep your camera steady. Check if the visuals are clear and not blurry. Choose the background and location accordingly.


VOICE is the next important element in a video. If your video has dialogues, try using an external mic. Give a voice over if required. Add subtitles in your video.


EDIT your videos before sending them out on social media. Chop off the unwanted parts. Improve the color quality. Add effects and/ or animations to your videos. This will help grab the attention of the audience and make the video interesting. Use good video editing apps.


Include a powerful CALL TO ACTION. Your video will be compelling only when there is a call to action. A call to action ensures that your message has been received by the audience. Don’t make your call to actions too sale-oriented. Try changing the mind of your audience positively.


Plan your social media MARKETING STRATEGY beforehand. Your target audience, content, budget, timeline, etc. Make sure you post your videos on time and at the right time. This will show your consistency.

These were the top 8 strategies to keep in mind before making a video for your social media. Make sure your videos not only have a powerful message, but also great engaging content.