Know About Top Brands with Best Social Media Influence

Top Brands with the Best Social Media Influence

Social media has a great influence on all our lives. It is a platform that connects us to people and communities that resonate with us. Brands, businesses, and influencers all are on social media. They are ready to hear and share stories with the world. Social media gives us a chance to influence and inspire people. Not only that, but it also lets us get influenced by our favorite brands. You can voice your opinions, views, and question people. However, this platform is the easiest and most effective way of connecting to your audience.

If you are a business, brand, or influencer you might know that these sites give you immediate feedback. However, people are highly active on social media. Similarly, this makes them respond immediately to your posts. But, how good are you as an influencer? Is your audience getting inspired? Are your posts enough to influence? Is your social media strategy letting you connect to the right audience? Here are the top 7 brands that have the best social media influence. Be it Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, these brands know how to nail it. This blog will help you understand what makes their social media strategy unique from yours.

Pop Tarts

When it comes to tweets, Pop-Tarts know how to nail every tweet. Their tweets are sarcastic, fun-filled, and involve audience input. This helps them increase their engagement. They have a brand voice, engagement, and most importantly fun content. 


Reebok is the most famous sports brand. But did you know that it has the best social media influence? This is because Reebok follows the simple rule of consistency. Even on platforms like LinkedIn, Reebok updates and uploads consistently.


Wendy’s Facebook page game is on point. All they do is provide good customer service and add seasonal posts. Theme based posts always draw attention such as posting exclusive offers relating to any big festival or event. Be available to your customers always. Moreover, talk and reply to them. Solve their queries.


The world’s most powerful brand Lego has over 6.5 billion subscribers on YouTube. This is because their strategy is the simplest and easiest of all. They upload videos of their consumers on their channel. However, this provides a sense of ownership to the fans and consumers. They feel acknowledged and special. Henceforth, increasing the engagement and traffic of Lego.


L’Oreal Paris has used social media strategically. They started with a hashtag ‘life at L’Oreal’. Similarly, this tag was used by the employees to show the world how fun working is. This helped them with recruiting. 


Dove is a brand that advertises by giving social messages. Dove’s Self Esteem project won accolades. However, it encourages people to appreciate and love the raw beauty of humans. From curating hashtags like #speakbeautiful to holding campaigns, Dove has done it all. This campaign was taken on the ground too. Moreover, this lets people connect to them even better and in bigger numbers.


The famous café in the world, Starbucks has the best social media customer service. However, it made a promise to give attention to customers’ one on one. They do not neglect or ignore them. Moreover, immediate replies and tracking, have led them to good audience engagement.   

These were the top 7 known and most famous brands with their social media game on point.