How to Create an Internet Marketing Funnel for your Business

Create an Internet Marketing Funnel for Your Business

Does your product have a charm and spark, but no one cares to buy it? Have you listed your product in multiple forums but still no response? It’s not your fault! You need to create the right internet marketing funnel. An internet marketing funnel is always a worthy option if you want to sell your product or service online for your business. An internet marketing funnel is a system that is made very precisely for your product. It has only one perspective; to attract and convert customers to your business. In this article, you will learn how to create an Internet Marketing Funnel for your business.


Awareness is the very first stage of your internet funnel. In this stage, people will get to know about your product or service. We don’t want to reach every person on earth. We want to reach only those clients who have a problem, and your service or product is the answer. So how can you make people aware of your product?

  • Start posting your articles on Medium and Quora. These are some great platforms where people go to find a solution to their answers.
  • Start making a podcast on the niche your product or service relates to.
  • Start posting ads on Facebook.
  • Make your ad as an answer to the user’s question.
  • Ask influencers to talk about your brand, service, or product.
  • Start making videos on Youtube about the niche your brand is based on.

With these points, you can make people aware of your brand and product. This strategy can lead you to an organic reach of users.


The next stage of the funnel is to create interest. After the awareness stage, you need to only focus on those customers who are hooked by you. Therefore, they know about your brand, they know that what your product or service does, and they want to dig into your product more. Making blogs inside your website is an excellent option for SEO strategy. Users or visitors only Google queries and questions. So if your website will solve the query by any blog post, then they will gain more interest in your brand. Also, think about what problem they might have and list your service as an answer on your website.


Consideration is the third stage of this funnel. At this stage, you have your targets. Your targets know about their problem, they know who has the solution, and we have to make them consider your brand. But there is a problem, and there are hundreds and thousands of players in the market who offer the same services and products to the user. It’s not that giving them less cost or paying them by your pocket will provide you with profit. You have to understand that Apple has more loyal customers than Samsung. Your targets will surely search for better alternatives, but you have to build trust and show them that you are the only right player in the market.


The fourth and final stage of your funnel is conversion. However, the above three stages have confirmed that you have the right solution for their problem. You only need to push your audience to buy your product. So, do it quickly. You have to make the checkout experience smooth and interactive so that your customer doesn’t change their mind when they are going to press “Buy Now”. An offer at the time of checkout with a minor discount will surely push them to buy your product.