The Top 10 Facebook Advertising Tips to yield Better Results

Presently, there is a rapid increase in social media advertising. Despite a large number of social media handles, Facebook and Instagram hold quite a high percentage of the advertisement market. However, skilled marketers sometimes struggle with Facebook Ads because the system can be more than a little complicated. Here are 10 Facebook advertising tips that you can use to yield better results:

Top 10 Facebook Advertising Tips


Within the reporting section, there is a ‘Breakdown’ drop-down section. It lets you know answers to all your queries. For example, you can spend more on Instagram rather than on the mobile news feed, and it will maximize performance at less budget.

2. Attribution models

Facebook’s attribution models help you to understand the value of your conversions clearly and compare them to the other networks. To change the attribution model, go to ‘Manage adverts’>’Columns’>’Customize Columns…’>’Change Attribution Window.’

3. Test Instagram

Under the Facebook Ads dashboard, Instagram placements have been made public in 25+ countries. The process is straightforward. It is as simple as connecting an Instagram account and choosing the placement.

4. Lookalike audiences

Facebook generates a lookalike audience. Based on your email list, your Facebook pixel, and your conversion goals, it finds an audience who have similar demographics, interests, behaviors, etc. It is one of the most effective targeting methods on paid social media.

5. Facebook’s location option

While creating your campaigns, keenly observe the location settings. It also helps you to target a particular audience. You can make the most out of your business with the help of this tool.

6. Speak to your audience

Facebook’s fine targeting methods enable you to know whom you are speaking. You also know your audience in terms of their interest, behaviors, etc.

You can also use this knowledge to link a connection with each specific audience.

7. Facebook Lead Ads

Recently, Facebook has added ‘Lead Ads.’ It is a campaign that lets advertisers collect data directly through a form without leaving Facebook. It can result in a somewhat four times reduction to the CPL (cost per like).

It is quite easy. You can create a form by using the following steps:

  1. Go to “Lead Generation.” Create a new campaign.
  2. Build your campaign set.
  3. Create your lead form (advert level)
  4. Choose the questions & add up to three custom questions
  5. Add disclaimer and destination URL
  6. Customize your form
  7. Preview and then create your form.

8. Re-marketing

Know the importance of re-marketing. Like all digital marketers, you can also tap the advantage of the Facebook Ads strategy. In Facebook’s audience segmentation options, you can add/delete domains and pages. You can choose the re-marketing window length as well.

9. Test multiple creatives and copy

Test as many creative and copy variants as possible. It will let you know which ones suit best for your audience. Facebook will optimize ad service based on your performance and conversion goal. For example, ‘Carousel’ allows you to fit multiple images and links into a single creative.

10. Breakout campaigns by placement

Breaking out your campaigns (mobile vs. desktop) makes sense. As mobile or audience networks have the most effective CPC, therefore they eat up most of your budget. If you are setting manual bids, or if your campaign is set to optimize for clicks, then breaking out campaigns is the best option.


With the rise in paid social, these Facebook Advertising tips will help you with social media ad revenue. So, follow the tips suggested above and get the most out of it.