Understand About What Exactly is Influencer Marketing

For several decades, all giant organizations and companies have relied on using famous faces to market their products and services. From print advertisements to Television commercials, every company was using a person who is famous, such as an actor, athlete, and so on to create rapport and demand. However, as our culture moved to digital, brands also started realizing that the old ways no longer work. Influencer Marketing understood that they need to up their marketing and advertising game in a completely new way.

Today, in the age of the internet and social media platforms, consumers tend to be more receptive to authenticity over traditional advertising. They are always hunting for reviews, ratings, and testimonials from people who have similar tastes like them. This is where the term ‘influencer marketing’ has come into play.

What Exactly is Influencer marketing:

In this article, we are going to dig deep into what exactly is influencer marketing. Let’s get started!

Influencer Marketing happens to use people who possess authority, expertise, and popularity over the internet to be able to influence other consumers who follow them to take action. This could be anything from asking them to make a purchase, write a review, or simply fill out a form. Influencers typically happen to have a large following online via blogging platforms, social media, and so on.

Now, when it comes to the cost of influencer marketing, it really tends to depend on the factors that are involved in your particular marketing or advertising campaign. For instance, do you want the particular influencer(s) to post on one network or over several networks? How big is their following? How good are their engagement rates? Once you are able to account for all these different factors, you will be able to get a more concrete idea about all the costs which will be involved. Influencers can very easily charge a company anywhere between a couple of hundred dollars to even millions.

According to Chelsea Naftelberg who is the Associate Director of Content and Partnerships at Attention, a social media agency, posts on Instagram can quite easily cost around a $1,000 per 100,000 followers.

Best Way to Approaching an Influencer:

When approaching an influencer, one of the best ways is by first trying to slowly build a relationship with them. You can simply do this by starting to follow them on all the social media platforms wherein they are the most active. You can also start to engage with their content. Your main agenda should be to know them inside and out before you approach them for business. Now, once they seem to have you on their radar, you can consider reaching out to them with an email. Also, remember that all the topmost VIP influencers always have an agent or publicist, therefore, you have to first deal with the gatekeeper. Lastly, remember not to freak out if you do not hear back from them. Move back to square one and simply continue nurturing the relationship and following up continuously.

 This brings us to the end of our discussion on influencer marketing. Now, do let us know some of your personal opinions on the same.