How to Generate High-Quality B2B Leads and Measure Quality

How to generate high quality B2B Leads:

Regardless of whether you generate high-quality B2B leads; marketers know when you’re generating low-quality leads. You can increase traffic, but it won’t translate into more MQLs or SQLs. To measure lead quality, marketers need to focus on the right metrics, instead of measuring a thousand things. Lead quality starts from the moment someone hits your website and is dependent on the quality of your traffic. 

How to Measure Lead Quality? 

You can measure the quality of leads generated by the need to define what a “good lead” actually looks like. And there are a lot of ways from MQL to SQL and everything in between. That said, the right way for your marketing team to create lead quality benchmarks is to define what an MQL looks like. This is done by working with the sales team on how to define MQLs, to generate high-quality B2B leads. 

Lead Quality Metrics to Track

Once you’ve defined what makes a quality lead, it all comes down to knowing which metrics you need to track. Therefore, determine how effectively your marketing efforts generate high-quality B2B Leads. Are they driving qualified leads, despite what metric round-ups may tell you, which doesn’t have to mean tracking 500 different metrics? It can also be how visitor identification can improve your website traffic for better lead quality. As an alternative, here are the three heavy hitters we recommend

Of all the visitors who land on your website, how many become a lead? This can be the same as your conversion rate, of how well your marketing activities are driving the right kind of traffic. For every lead your website generates, how many of them generate high-quality B2B Leads? This leads to opportunities to make it through further lead qualification to become sales-ready leads. Time to conversion is about the time for a sales rep to move that lead and make the conversion happen.

Measuring Leads, Alone, Isn’t Enough

Measuring leads alone won’t spontaneously generate high-quality B2B leads. As discussed above, one of the biggest reasons marketers struggle is because they have low-quality website traffic. The metrics recommended can tell if your traffic is producing poor leads, but they can’t fix the problem. Taking action to attract higher-quality traffic the sheer number of leads can boost lead quality. And the key to improving traffic quality to understand what’s wrong in the first place.

How Visitor Identification Helps Improve Lead Quality Issues:

When working with tens of thousands of B2B marketers over the years, marketers don’t know who’s winding up on their website. That’s because only about 2% of website visits become a lead. Simply put, capitalizing on the other 98% of website visits has to be a part of your sales strategy.

That’s why you build your visitor identification software around the other 98% of visitors who don’t convert. That context helps marketers improve lead quality among non-conversion visits on who’s visiting your website. To generate high-quality B2B leads, showcase deeper behavioral data including campaign-level website activity data.

View Website Visits at the Account Level

When you track website visits with Google Analytics, all you see is anonymized data. It might work for some companies to generate high-quality leads, but it doesn’t help B2B marketers. Therefore, to figure out the quality of their web traffic gives more visibility to companies who visit your website. With an understanding of which companies your marketing efforts drive to your site, you can better gauge how qualified your website traffic is.

Get a Deeper Look: Who’s Visiting Your Website?

Identifying website visits and behavior at the account-level gives insight on how to generate high-quality B2B leads. Being able to view website visitor identification is a good start in measuring the quality of your traffic. Particularly, if the real value comes from gaining access to deeper information on each of those companies. Do they fit your buyer personas and are they ideal customers who visit your website?