All You Need to Know about FreeTaxUSA and It’s Features

FreeTaxUSA is a free online tax practice site. The website helps you make ready, print, and e-file taxes. Hawk Inc. owns the company FreeTaxUSA. The site started in 2001. The software is updated every year by the tax analyst. They look for changes in national and government taxes and update the software accordingly. The software consists of two versions: one is free and another one is deluxe. In the application, you have to enter some of the needed details, and unlike other applications, you cannot skip those.

Price of FreeTaxUSA

One of the great advantages of the application is you don’t have to spend any money on a national return. You have to pay a small amount of money for government return or a state return which is comparatively low. The version available is simple, free, and deluxe. FreeTaxUSA provides an online website. You can get to know the price and features of the free and deluxe versions from various sources.

FreeTaxUSA support options

The FreeTaxUSA has email assistance and a searchable understanding basis. With the deluxe version, users obtain preference assistance and chatting facility. A free version user can switch to the deluxe one in the middle of the method. The application provides the only audit assistance. The assistance is only available for the deluxe version of the application. If the national return is audited, the experts will assist you in preparing. How you file is not an issue and you will obtain the rebate directly to your bank account.

Features of FreeTaxUSA

The website is forthright. It doesn’t contain too many colors and other attractive pictures or videos. Few may not like the plain and simple look of the website, however there are many that love the features. Those who use the software feel comfortable in paying tax using the application. The application doesn’t support any pdf of their past tax retrieval. The text running on the top of the website denotes the steps completed by you. Features of the bookmark are also available. All of the taxes you have paid are checked using green marks. The feature helps to keep track of paid and unpaid taxes. The user site is not fancy or colorful to attract attention, yet the site contains all features needed. You can even skip the consultation but all cannot be skipped. The website gives an accurate result of tax analysis.

TurboTax, TaxSlayer, and TaxAct are some of the websites of online tax payments. These applications provide free federal and government returns (in few cases). If you cope up with the free feature and you qualify for those, it will be a profit to you. You don’t have to pay for the FreeTaxUSA application. The application has more advanced features and a user-friendly interface, even if you have to pay less tax.


In some situations, FreeTaxUSA is a great application to use. Yet, some applications are comparatively more advanced than the FreeTaxUSA. The website is one of the best to e-file your taxes. The website is great and very helpful.