The Main Reasons Why Exactly do Freelancers Fail

Why do Freelancers Fail?

Freelancing is often known as a very insecure profession because many new individuals who enter it often tend to hesitate. Freelancing has always had a severely competitive environment and that is why many people fear they won’t match up. In this article, we are going to discuss why freelancers fail.

They Fail to Organize

When one happens to be working for an employer, there is always a rigid structure in place. Therefore, one tends to fit into almost without thinking. Now, when one decides to go solo by freelancing then suddenly this support is gone. This is where most freelancers fail; they fall into a disorganized mess which, in turn, makes it almost impossible to work efficiently. So what can you do to get organized? You can begin to get help from apps. Invoicing software such as FreshBooks helps you streamline all major freelance invoicing-related headaches.

For time management, tools such as TeuxDeux work like a charm. RescueTime is another very useful app that lets you analyze how you tend to spend your time on the computer. It can block distracting websites. Also, if you think you are someone who is really bad at time management, then Focus Booster is an amazing online timer. It uses the Pomodoro Technique to set 25-minute work periods which is followed by a five-minute rest period. This will help you effectively divide up the day. Lastly, Toggl is a great app if you need to keep track of how long you’ve spent on a particular task.

They Give into Stress Very Easily

To be able to succeed as a freelancer, you will need to persevere. You will need to look beyond your fear and be able to tap into your passion for freelancing. First, start with researching your market. Then, accurately identify your target prospects. Try becoming more and more honest with yourself about all of your strengths and weaknesses. Alternatively, if you feel you are someone who can’t judge yourself, then you can try asking previous employers or clients to do so as well. Just make sure that you are on good terms with them. 

They Fail to Stand Out

Freelancing is not the same as working for a company. In freelancing, you need to be able to sell yourself and slowly create your own brand. If you tend not to stand out from the crowd then your business can easily get completely drowned out. Start by making a list of all worthy achievements that you can highlight in your pitch. You need to think more widely in terms of what you have done with your life other than achieving your academic qualifications. Try and make your organizational skills stand out. You can do this very easily by highlighting all the positions of responsibility. Lastly, always make sure to have a niche. It really helps a lot.

This brings us to the end of our discussion about why freelancers fail. Now let us know some of your personal opinions on this topic.